Week One

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Monday, May 27th 

"I still can't believe that your parents agreed to it" Farkle says while we're talking on speaker phone on Monday evening. It was the first official day of summer vacation since I graduated on Saturday and I had dove right into planning the best summer of my life. 

Lucas and I had decided to split the summer right down the middle, spending half of it in New York and the other half here in Texas but upon further consideration we realized that staying in New York for a day is expensive let alone weeks so, we had come up with a plan. Lucas wasn't too thrilled about it but he had nothing to worry about seeing as though I'm head over heels in love with him and Farkle had a serious girlfriend of his own. 

"I can't either" I reply, paging through the different flight options. "But I think they just want me to be happy and besides, they can't really stop me so if they had said no I would've just gone anyway."

"You have a point." he agrees. "How do they feel about you staying here though?" I shrug. My parents had always liked Farkle so it really wasn't a big deal when I announced that we would be staying with the Minkii for the entirety of our visit. I just hoped that his family had finally let go of their dreams of me and Farkle being together romantically or else this trip would be extremely awkward. 

"They're fine with it Farkle" I assure him as I stumble upon yet another travel site claiming to have the best flight prices. I sigh. Who would've known buying plane tickets would be so complicated? "I hate flying" I grumble making him laugh. 

"What's wrong? Overwhelmed already?" he asks teasingly. "Just pick a reliable site with a good price. The last thing you want to do is pay next to nothing and then the ticket not even be real. That would suck."

He had a point. "Fine" I concede, logging back onto the site I was on originally. It was the site that Josh used to book his many flights back and forth from New York to Texas. I find a flight for Saturday afternoon and without any further consideration I purchase the tickets.  

"Well?" he asks after I don't say anything for a few minutes. I smile, leaning back in my seat. 

"We're officially coming to New York" I announce, trying to ignore the nerves already fighting their way to the surface. The only thing I could do now was hope that this really was really going to be the best summer of our lives and not just a huge mistake. 

Tuesday, May 28th

I'm staring at my closet trying to decide what I should pack for our trip when my phone starts ringing incessantly on my bed. I walk away from my closet happily and pick up my phone, beaming when I read my boyfriend's name across the screen. "Hey babe" I greet him, bringing my phone to my ear. 

"Hey beautiful. Whatcha doin'?" he asks, his southern drawl somehow sounding more dramatic over the phone. I smile, taking a seat on my bed. 

"Oh you know, staring at my closet and hoping that my suitcase will pack itself."

"You know, it's funny that you say that because I'm having the same problem and I was kinda hoping that maybe you'd wanna come over and help me with it."

I quirk an eyebrow. It wasn't that I minded going over to Lucas' but since his house was parental supervision free I could only assume that we'd probably end up getting into some sort of trouble rather than actually packing his suitcase. "Do you really want me to come over and help you pack or is this code for something else?" I ask softly, walking towards my door and shutting it quietly so as not to alert my parents to any inappropriate conversations happening. 

"I mean, I really could use some help packing but if you wanna do other stuff" he replies cheekily and I blush, giggling like an idiot school girl. "I'll come and pick you up."

Summer Lovin' ♡ Healing Hearts Sequel ♡ ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now