Week Five

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Monday, June 24th

We don't leave the hotel the entire weekend. And why would we? There's cable, room service and a bed that's perfect for sleeping and other things. But by the time Monday rolls around we make the decision that it's time to rejoin society and as Farkle insisted, enjoy the city.

"So, where are we going today?" Lucas asks, sitting on the ottoman at the end of the bed, tying his shoes while I slip into a pair of strappy sandals. We were both dressed casually today, myself in a yellow sundress that fell just above my knee and Lucas in a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. I had argued that he was going to be too warm but he insisted that he'd be fine.

"Where aren't we going is a better question" I reply because honestly, he was getting the full tourist treatment today. On the agenda was the Empire State Building, Central Park where we'd also pick up lunch and then to finish, the Statue of Liberty at sunset. "Are you excited?" I ask impatiently, grabbing my purse and draping it over my shoulder. Lucas smiles, stepping towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm spending the day with my favorite person in the world. Of course I'm excited" he replies, pecking my lips once before letting me go and walking back towards the dresser to grab his wallet. "Let's see the city."


I think that Lucas may have underestimated how many stories the Empire State Building has. He was really excited when we got there but the higher up we went the tighter he held and my hand and the quicker his breathing got.

On the elevator to the fifty-first floor I nudge him and tell him that we're halfway there and his eyes almost bug out of his head. I reassure him that it'll be worth it when we get to the top. I could still remember the first time I was brought up to the top floor of the building. I was in middle school and it was for a field trip that my dad chaperoned. I remember clutching to Farkle much like Lucas is holding onto me right now. "I promise, it's not that bad once you're up there."

He scoffs, shaking his head like I'm insane for saying such a thing but still, we keep going up. By the time we reach the eighty-sixth floor he's practically shaking. "Babe." I squeeze his hand a few times until he looks down at me and then I offer him a supportive smile. "I swear, you're going to love this."

When the doors of the elevator open and we step off, his eyes widen. In front of us was the most breathtaking view I've ever seen, only to be compared to the view at the very top. But still, you could see practically everything. The entire city. Lucas hesitantly steps towards the edge, looking out at the buildings, at everyone beneath us and exhales a shaky breath. I smile, stepping up beside him.

"Not so bad, right?"

"It's insane that we're up this high" he retorts, looking down at me before glancing up. "And there's more?"

"Only if you want." We had gotten pretty high up. I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to turn back now but he shakes his head, swallowing harshly.

"No. I wanna go all the way up." So, we take a few more minutes to appreciate the view from here and then we climb back on the elevator and head up to the last floor. Lucas' hand is basically crushing mine at this point but I don't say anything. I stay quiet at his side, watching the numbers go up as we get higher and higher.

Finally, we reach the final floor. 102. And we step off once more. Lucas' breath hitches in his throat as we step onto the concrete, the space crowded with other tourists snapping pictures for their Instagrams. Lucas takes a step towards the edge and though I warn him not to, he steps onto the fencing effectively getting himself yelled at. I laugh as he gets down. "I can't believe you grew up here" he says finally, looking away from the view to gaze at me. "I mean, I love Texas and I'm proud of my roots but this is just...incredible. Seeing it in movies and on television, it just doesn't do it justice."

Summer Lovin' ♡ Healing Hearts Sequel ♡ ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now