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    What the fuck?  I must ask myself that a million times a day, what with all of the shit that waits until I'm progressing along...trying to have a good day...hits me all at once...blindsiding me...

   I got hit with a fresh new batch of shit I hurt ur feelings, huh? So I was never there for u when u needed me to be? Gtfoh....I give way too much of myself & u know it💯...the woman in question knows I'm talking to her...I've never been anything but 💯with u...I asked u not to do this...

   Morning, noon, & night...u know I had u💯Did I not give u courage when u needed it the most? How much of ur pain did I take on inside of me...willingly so u wouldn't have to?...u act as tho I did u some great harm...knowing how much I was down for u...knowing how as an empath I am feeling everything u are right now....why u wanna treat me so bad now Lips?...

   U don't love me; if u did u wouldn't have left me right when u had me.

    It's like, ever since I started writing my story, you've been feeling some type of way....did I not inform u ahead of time mind u, that I was a nasty bastard? Don't act surprised now...I kept it 💯 U made me fall for u...feel for for ur kids...I saw how important family was to's important to me too💯 U know how badly I want kids of my own...

   But I'm the no good bastard...I'm the one who hurt u? When have I ever hurt u...I'll wait...u know what I gave u💯

    But it's cool tho...I can't keep letting women break me down...right when I'm feeling better about myself u wanna hit me with this shit? This is exactly why I begged ur ass not to love me💯

     Losing followers ain't shit💯but losing friends...😔people you've grown to love & care about...😔😔just for telling ur truth?

    And as for u Pretty Baby...I'm sick & tired of the way I allow u to make me feel💯 I asked this woman to marry me....yeah I took it back bcuz I knew u couldn't see the realness & desperation in me at that point...that meant I loved ur ass enough to ask u...

     U got me so fucked up💯Yes, I wrote about what? This is my fucking life story & u were a part, a big ass chunk of why I killed my fucking self in the first stop with the fucking wondering why I'm writing about u here...I know I fucked u up & there's no coming back from that...but u fucked me up as well....

    I asked if u would stay with me...u know ur daughter would be welcomed here...I told u we could have had our own little fucked up family...but I'm a bastard right?...So fuck many times have I begged u to go out there & live ur life? If I wanted to hurt u or control u I never would have encouraged u to get out & enjoy life💯& find u somebody true, even tho it hurt me like Hell to see his hands all over u, I still was rooting for u....but Fuck me right?

   And to my sweet lady in Christ...darling I will only corrupt u💯...U should count ur blessings & head for the hills right now... Ur a beautiful sensual lady, & ur son is beautiful....u deserve someone who will move the Heavens to make sure all u need is possible...not someone like me😔.. Know why I had to use a filter on my pic? Bcuz I didn't want u to see the burns the extension cord made around my neck when I fucking hung myself....there. Question answered.

    This is so fucking hard for me...draining the life from me...I can feel the hurt, the bitter resentments...

    Add to that the mockery of the one bitch in this world who has robbed me of the most precious gift...I have to see this raggedy stank bitch & my boy prep for their new kid😔I have to be constantly reminded of how worthless I am...bcuz something obviously must be wrong with me...she didn't want to have my baby, but knows what kind of whore her husband when he makes u cry again, goes off for days on u, leaving u behind with the kids while him & whatever new flavor bitch he has enjoys Acapulco or Galveston or wherever other places he takes his women, please don't think you'll come crying to me for me to give a fuck....fresh outta fucks💯

     I'm tired of my love never being enough...I know I have the penchant for falling for women who are taken...but I hurt's not that I seek intimacy from attained women...I wind up loving who I love...or at least wanting to love them...or loving them & they don't love me back😔I'm so much more than a long dick...I have a lot more to offer...I want kids...I want to be a father, even if the child isn't mine...I would still love them like they came from my sack💯

    I'm tired...of being tired...feeling the sting of the one who got away...loving me still...I feel u💯I'll always feel u, but u don't want this😔I know u have a family, but u have grown to be my family...I know u still love me...u need to stop denying urself & come here & get this & quit playing...cuz ur driving me crazy....

    This is so how I didn't want this chapter to casting myself deeper in my feelings....I apologize to anyone reading if I seem's just that I got hit with a sack of shit today I really didn't if u don't wanna fuck with me no more, I can't blame u...just quit with the innocent acts & the claims I purposely hurt u...when I do shit on purpose I let u know I'm doing the shit💯ain't gon pull no rug out from under u💯so ur life...I wish u the best mama💯 I'll miss sending u my playlist...😔

    And to my mysterious gypsy...I feel ur friendship & it is greatly appreciated...u have great legs, nice toes😏 amazing fingernails...& very stimulating conversation...I hope ur dates can appreciate ur awesomeness💯

    And now, for the females who like to play in my dms, please don't send me what you've been sending me...especially the brave Becky; STAHP...u don't have anything I want to see💯 As for the others, please stop as well...I see enough naked women on my own time, in my own city, in my own bed💯Sending me that shit does nothing but enable my addiction...

    With all that said, I hope I can begin my next chapter without all the animosity...from u, & from me💯


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