Chapter 2

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Kaiya's POV

It's 1 am in the morning, and I had already killed 9 demons. I am going to be so tired tomorrow, but I don't really care about it. It's not like I am going to have a job in the future. My whole life is going to be about killing demons... So fun isn't it?

Okay, coming back to what I was doing. You can only find demons in dark places because they don't like the light. I was currently walking in Clotard road, which has a reputation to never go there during the night. Oh well!

Then, I heard a long ear piercing scream in the dark of London streets. I started running to where the sound was coming from. When I arrived there, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A vampire was fighting against two demons!! I looked at the girl who looked at about the same age as me. A vampire. Wait, what? What is a vampire doing there? Does she have a death wish or what she's just very stupid?

I summon my white sword, and killed the demons in a slash. I look again at the girl and was met by horror filled eyes.

"I haven't done anything wrong! Please don't kill me I am too young to die" she screams out, in the verge of tears. I took a good look at her, taking in her appearance. Straight black hair that was curled at the ends up to her waist, chocolate brown eyes, skinny jeans with a black tank top and black converse shoes. Typical teenager look.

"How old are you exactly?" I ask bluntly.

"I am only 116 years old! Well I look like I'm 16 though." she answered me wiping off a invisible tear. Dramatic much? And I guess that answers my question of if she's around my age. Just one year older... Well appearance wise.

"Anyways, thank you for saving me from those two horrible monstrous disgusting smelly mean demons."

This surprised me a lot. The majority of the vampires are siding with the demons. It's really rare to find vampires that are fighting against them.

" I am Camille by the way. Nice to meet you!" She smiled at me. No one ever smiles at me...

I twitched the corners of my mouth in return at her. I think she's too cheerful. Maybe I should just leave. "Nice to see you here, but I'm going" I said, then turn to walk away.

"HEYYYY WAIT!!! Gosh, are all Daemunters this rude? Ugh. You didn't even tell me your name! By the way, I decided to start high school here because I am very bored these days!" She ran up to me to walk side by side with me.

"I would like you to shut up and go away. I do not want anything to do with you." I snapped, stopping and trying to shoo her away.

But this girl is definitely very stupid and doesn't get the message!

"But.... but.... i've been alone for 10 years and I want a friend to talk to... please... I don't know much about you but I'm definitely sure something in the past happened that made you like this. My advice, don't dwell in the past, what's done is done, move on with you life and try to be happy! Do realize, being alone seems fine at first, but later on, you'll understand what it feels like cuz I had that feeling for 10 years." She pleads. I don't know how she did that, but it's like she's looking straight into my eyes through my hood.

Who does she think she is, trying to make me feel better? I'll never stop until I kill that traitor Seraphina.

"No. Just don't" I turn and start to run away at top speed.

But being a vampire, she has her vampire speed so she easily caught up with me.

"You can't hide you emotions forever you know, lets face it, you'll get your revenge later but right now, don't close yourself! You'll regret the chances you could have if you'd open up to people." She carries on like she knows so much about me.

"How do you even know so much about me! Huh? Or are you just messing with me? I suggest you step away and leave me alone or I'll slip your throat right here, right now." I spat, glaring at her through my hood.

"No." She insists. "Then I wont hesitate." I said, summoning my dual swords. They gleam in the moonlight and I light them on angel fire to increase the damage done. Her eyes widen in shock and fear and she takes a step back.

"Nononono... stop. stop. Okay, I'll tell you the truth, but please understand, I'm trying to help you okay?" She stutters, clearing scared of me.

"Go on, talk." I say lifting my chin up, mocking her and hiding my swords away.

She narrows her eyes and opens her mouth. "Okay, the truth is that I can read minds. I don't even know why I have this power, but ya know, I'm special." She says flashing me a smile, showing her fangs. "I hope you understand, when my eyes first landed on you, your appearance says it all, dark, mysterious, most probably had a troubled past, then I looked into your mind and saw everything. I'm sorry, and trust me, your secret is safe with me." She finishes.

Great. She knows me more than anyone possibly can. Just my day. God. Since she seems nice.... ish... i guess I could.... maybe not.... Well I guess use some friends.

"Okay..." I say, I hope I don't regret this...

"Really???" She exclaims, and engulfs me with a hug. "Oh my gosh, you're the best Kaiya!!" Crap. I haven't been hugged since Seraphina..... I push those thoughts away and smiled.

Great, she found my name! Hmmmm I wonder what else she knows about me. She must have read my mind cos she gives me a evil look.

"Hehe... I know everything about you....."



"How about you live in my house? I'm sure my aunt and uncle woudn't mind. I need some company anyways."

Her whole face just lit up like a light bulb, "Sure!!! I would love to! It's been ages since I've slep on a bed...."

And just like that, this vampire girl Camille just started to light up the fire locked deep inside me, the way it should be. I guess, now after 3 years of coldness, I should start to open up more.


"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" This loud annoying voice screamed beside my ear.

"uughhhhh..." I groaned and rolled over my bed.

Yesterday night, my aunt and uncle happily agreed for Camille to stay at our house. She took a guest room which so happens to be next to my bedroom. Today we are going out to town to buy stuff for Camille and some furniture for her new room.

~Time skip, I'm lazy~

When we got back, we got to know each other more. We played 20 questions and now it's like we're sisters. We do everything together now. Did I mention that we would go to school together? Yup, starting tomorrow!!

I just hope she won't turn into a serial killer the minute she walks in....

"Don't worry! I won't kill people I promise." She chirps happily.

"If ya say so." I answer.

Then, night came and both of us got ready for demon hunting. I wore my usual attire - white tank top, denim shorts, black boots and grey cloak.

This time, I actually taught Camille how to fight demons because vampires shouldn't bite them cuz 1 they have no blood and 2 they're poisonous.

So before we left, she got 2 weapons from my uncle. One of my uncle's power is to hide things in other things. So like he took 2 guns and hid them in 2 pens, so when Camille opens the cap to the pen, it will change to a gun. Pretty cool, right? The pen has 2 sides. One is for writing and the other is for it to change to a gun. So now Camille always has these 2 pens with her.

We went out and she managed to kill 4 demons, and me? I killed 16.

When we got home, we all went to bed. Well, not me. I was lying on my bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about how one person in one day could change my attitude so much. This girl.... I swear...

Then I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

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