Chapter 3

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This week had been one of the most exhausting weeks in my entire life. I swear, sometimes I just want to take a gun and shoot Camille in the head... I would, never do this of course but this girl can't stop talking, and talking, and talking! I need to find a on and off button on her, and a volume one as well. That will be so cool, hehehehe...
Okay, so let's continue. We didn't have any problems this week. Okay, I am lying, we had a lot. In the beginning, Camille was looking at everyone like she wanted to kill everyone. Even when she was saying she was fine, I could tell that she was lying. She is a vampire, so it's natural for her to kill humans. So I can understand why when she see someone, she wants to dig her teeth inside their neck and drink all the blood in their bodies...
I also 'tried', keyword 'tried' to teach her to use the guns better, so she can help me to kill demons, but because I don't use guns and am not good at using them, there wasn't a lot I could do. Last night, while we were fighting, she was able to kill a few. I don't know if it was the night or not, but her eyes seems to be a little bit darker, like she was restraining herself.
Apart from this, nothing really exiting happening. We are becoming closer and closer everyday, and it actually feel nice to have a friend, a person how cares about you. Camille is really nice, but sometimes she can be very annoying, but she is still my best friend.
What I mean by annoying, is that sometimes she can't stop talking. Like right now, we are going home, and she can't stop talking about the TV series called Vampire Diaries she had started to watch. All I know is that there is a very hot guy called Damon, and Camille can't stop talking about him. And this is pissing me off!
We were walking out of the school building, as she was talking about how wonderful he was, but I wasn't listening anymore, not as I was listening before anyways. Haha. What was distracting me was a fight that was happening.
This school is very diverse in terms of supernatural beings. We have me, a Daemunter, but no one knows that, and also a werewolf pack, and of course my favorite vampire Camille. And in front of my eyes, the alphas son and a human were fighting again. They hate each other. Each time they are together, they are always fighting.
So we both stopped in front of the two boys fighting. I looked at Camille and saw that she was sniffing the air, a smile plastered on her face. Not a nice smile, more like the smile a predator has when it's looking at his prey. I took Camille's arm, and I tried to make her move. I didn't want anyone to notice her. If the werewolves found out that she was a vampire, she will be killed instantly...
I tried to push her, but she wasn't moving. When did she got this strong?! I called her, and she finally looked at me. Then her gaze went back to the two boys.
"What is happening?" She asked me.
I let out a breath of relief. At least she wasn't thinking of killing anyone now.
"Meet Caiden, the most annoying human boy on the planet earth and the stupid alpha Jordan. These two hate each other so much that they can't be together without trying to kill each other. Jordan is the next alpha in line of the Dark Crescent Moon pack and Caiden is a human but surprisedly very strong. The one with lush green eyes and dirty blond hair is Jordan, and Caiden is the one with honey brown eyes and black hair." I tell her.
"The Jordan boy is hot, but that's sad he's a werewolf", she responded to me.
"Even hotter than Damon?" I said teasing her.
She looked at me like I had said the most horrible thing ever.
"How could you said this! Damon is way more hotter than him."
I was going to respond to her when we heard a loud growl. We both turned our head, and everyone was looking at us. What was happening? I looked at the source of the growl, Jordan. She was looking at Camille, in a strange way. We have go and quickly... But I don't think it's a good idea as the majority of the pack is here. And I am suppose to be a simple human. (I am able to sense supernatural beings.)
But Jordan didn't seem like he was going to attack us. He looked very pissed at something, and I know that when an alpha is pissed, the best option is to run. And fast. I looked around to find where we could possibly escape. But there were too many people, and it would be too dangerous.
I looked at Camille, and I found her staring at Jordan. They were looking at each other like they were the only people in the world. I think that Jordan doesn't know that Camille is a vampire, since every morning I put a spray on her that make her smell like a human. I looked at Caiden on the floor, and he was starring at me in a strange way. Like he knew something, was scared but in the same time not. It was quite strange, but it must be my imagination...
Taking Camille's hand, I started to walk away tugging her with me. I could feel the gazes of the werewolf pack on our backs. I hope they didn't notice that Camille was a vampire. We would have to move if it was the case. When they couldn't see us anymore, I stopped and faced her.
"What happened back there? You couldn't stop looking at Jordan? Do you want to be killed or what?" I screamed her face.
"I don't really know, it was a feeling that I never experienced before. It was like... A bond or something. But it doesn't matter and I am sorry." She answered me.
I decided to drop it because she seems to be sincere about it. When we arrived home, I took a chocolate chip cookie while Camille drank some blood from an animal that she had killed yesterday. It was quite disgusting before, but I am now used to it. It's still a little bit strange, but I know that it's blood from an animal, not a human.
After eating, we decided to go to the basement of the house to train. While I was taking the targets out, Camille was looking at the books in the mini library we have. I put the stuff on the floor and I joined her, interested on what she was looking at. Camille was holding a book in a language that I couldn't understand.
"What is this language?" I asked her, referring to the book she was reading.
"It's a book about vampire powers, written in the native languages of vampires. It's a mixture of many languages, and only vampires can read it." She answered.
"About what powers are they talking about?" I asked her curious because she might find answer to her mind reading power.
"Only pure blood vampire can have some. But the majority of them have been killed during the ancient war against the werewolf race. The other pure bloods are hiding in fear of being killed. They are very strong, but sometimes very arrogant and stupid."
She took the book and put it in her pocket, and skimmed through the top shelf on the library. She took out a green book that looked very old. She didn't put it off, she tried, but it was stuck. She did it with more force, and something clicked.
She immediately jumped down we scrambled outside the house hurriedly.
"It was trap, and there was a very powerful energy, so it could have been dangerous. I guess we can go in now?" I say.
We went inside, and we entered the basement. I was right, as there was now a door standing at the place of the library. I slowly opened it, not sensing anything inside. The room was very dark, but I could see perfectly with my eyes.
A book was on the floor. I took it, and went outside, closing the door behind me. Immediately, after the door closed the library appeared again. A witch must have done this, and she must have been supper strong because this type of spell needed a lot of energy. This book must be very important to risk a life to protect it...
I took a look at the book. It looked like it hadn't been touched for a long time, and there were a lock on the front of it. It was made of a material that I didn't know of, and it seemed very strong. They were inscriptions on it, but it was in a language that I had never see before.


What the hell was that! I passed it Camille, but she shakes her head in response.
"It might be one of the first languages that has been forgotten a long time ago." She says. I decided to keep the book because it seemed important to me.
We decided to practice but Camille seems to be distracted by something. When I asked her what was wrong, her only reply was a blush.
I had dinner with my uncle and my aunt while Camille was in my room watching her stupid Tv show on my laptop. Before going to sleep, Camille closed the window. I'm confused because she always sleeps with the windows open so I decided to ask her why she closed them.
"Why are you closing them? I know you like it when there is air inside the room?" I asked her
"I have a feeling that someone is watching me, and what is strange is that I am not scared. So I am scared because I am not scared..."
"Are you aware what you are saying doesn't mean anything right?" I said while laughing.
She went back on the sofa to watch her "oh so wonderful" TV show while muttering things under her breath. One of the bad things of having Camille sleeping in my room is that she never sleeps, so she pass her night on my computer. And it's quite difficult to sleep like that. So she normally goes outside for an hour and come back when I am sleeping. But I guess not today.
When I woke up in the morning, Camille was still watching Vampire Diaries on my laptop.
"Camille, hey u know that book we found with the weird language? I have a feeling that it's important... Maybe we should check it out?"
"Hmmm? oh! You're awake! Ok sure how about we go to the library now? It's still 7, lets go."
So I get up and changed into a black long sleeved shirt to cover my runes, a navy blue skirt with a belt and black boots. Camille wore black leggings with a blue top and black vans and put her 2 pens in her pocket.
We head off to the school library because nobody goes there early in the morning.

When we arrived, Camille went to her locker and said she would find me in the library after. I drag myself to the library and walk in. It was quiet, like all libraries are. I take out the book from my bag and stare at the cover. Hmmmmm so where should I start? Not like I'm going to rip the whole library to pieces to find the information...
I decided to go to the History section to find stuff about the languages from long ago. I found a stack of books and went to sit down. Then I started randomly flipping through the pages. One of the book titles was 'Lost Languages'. Aha! Hopefully I can find something useful here. I open the book and start at the first page.
There are many languages throughout the planet's history that are long forgotten and not used. In this book you can find a few that were discovered. There aren't any names for these but below is the alphabet that translates to the English alphabet.
So there was this list with the symbols and the English letters next to it. Perfect! I took out a piece of paper and start solving. Before I could even start, I heard faint footsteps behind me. I stiffened and slam the book shut, then turned around and come face to face with the one and only Caiden. Great! Just my day.
"What." I say.
He didn't answer and turned his gaze to the book with the weird symbols, which I failed to hide.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Uh what does it look like I'm doing? Researching duh."
"What is that?"
"A book? Are you really stupid or what."
"Hmfp" He smirked and said, "This is highly irregular! Kaiya Wilson, the cold hearted girl suddenly comes to school one day with a friend! Or... a partner?"
Uh oh I don't like where this is going...
He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "I know what and who you are... Daemunter."
My eyes widen and I involuntarily gasp. I lean back and stare at him.
Oh god this is bad, a human knows about Daemunters??? And if he knows about my race, then he must know about other supernatural beings?? Crap. This is bad, bad, bad...
"But don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"How the hell do you know?" I spat.
"Oh, I have my ways." His smirk grew bigger.
Dang it this guy is getting on my nerves... I have to be more careful around him so I don't expose my biggest secret.
Then I realised. He has black hair... A Protektor? Or a normal human with black hair? I weighted the possibilities but I decided I just have to be more careful.
I stand up immediately, in case he was going to attack.
"Who are you?"

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