| Five |

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"But if you feel like I feel, please let me know that it's real."
~The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill


"Hey, Kofi. I get off at five today. Yep. Mhmm. I'm sitting at my desk right now. I already ate lunch we can do a late dinner though... alright. I'll see you then." Ailani giggled and blushed while sitting at her desk typing a memo for the office.

Her and Kofi had been getting to know each other for two, going on three months and she'd been enjoying it. Even though she smiled and love the attention from him, she always felt like Jay was trying to interrupt that. He'd send flowers, cards, put letters under her door, and even stop by the office on occasion. It had been nine months since she kicked him out and since then she'd been advancing in all areas of her life.

There was a knock on her door and her assistant walked in. "Ms. Woods, Jayce Thomas is at the front desk for you. Would you like me to escort him back?" Dennis asked. "No Dennis it's okay. I'll walk up there just have him wait a few moments." She sighed as she put the phone back to her ear. "Why is Jayce here? He knows you're around. I know he knows." She mumbled. "I'm gonna just go tell him to back off and then I'll see you tonight okay?... alright bye." She hang up the phone.

Lani walked down through the halls getting more annoyed with every step she took. She wondered why Jayce wouldn't give up, and why he decided to man up now.

She walked into the lobby seeing him sitting there with a box in his hand. "Hey Jayce. Why are you here?" She sighed as he leaned in for a hug. The least she could do was hug him back so she did. "I just came to thank you one last time, for putting a fire under me to get myself together. I know I've lost you for good, now that you're dealing with someone new. But I wanted to say that I'll always love you, and I finally got a nice paying job over at a marketing office." He said making her smile. "I'm so happy for you! You'll do wonderful things I'm sure." She smiled taking the box he handed to her.

"You can go ahead and open it now." He smiled taking the ribbon off. She opened the box and in it was the necklace and bracelet set she always wanted. "You – Wow. You didn't have to buy this. You get your money back for this. This is too much." She shook her head still holding it tight in her hands. "Your conscience is telling you to give it back but your heart won't let it go." He laughed pushing the box toward her. "Thank you Jayce. If anything I should be getting you something nice like this for doing something so big." She smiled. "No problem. I just wanna say thank you for real Lala. I appreciate everything, and as long as you're happy I'm content. See you around." He said walking away.

Lani closed the box and carried it with her back to her office. The first thing she did was call Naomi.

After talking with her, she would tell Kofi about the jewelry set and see what he thinks about it all.

When she got off, she headed straight home and started to prepare for dinner tonight. He'd let her know she'd be getting dressed up because he wanted tonight to be special.

She searched through her closet to find the prettiest Halter dress and paired it with a nice, comfortable pair of heels. After ultimately deciding on her look for the night, she headed to the shower and let the day's worries leave from her mind.


"Jalen! Where are you!" Naomi yelled out around their brownstone. She had some big news to tell him, and he had big news to tell her. She had just gotten home from a wine down with her closest coworkers in celebration. She rushed home to tell Jalen the news and became frustrated at his silence.

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