| Nine |

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The warm sunshine served as an alarm clock for Ailani. She woke up in high spirits, due to the serenity of her surroundings. She looked in detail at Kofi for a few moments, tracing the frame of his face with her hand. He was still sound asleep, causing her to ease out of bed. She grabbed the champagne colored robe off the hook and wrapped it around herself before walking onto the balcony.

She looked took in the beautiful scenery of the ocean before her, all while taking a moment to let go all of the baggage she carried. After a few moments, she felt arms wrap around her waist and she stayed at peace. Kofi always gave her peaceful energy.

"Good morning." She mumbled, feeling his warmth surround her. "Good morning beautiful." He kissed her temple making her melt a little. "This place is so relaxing KP, thanks for bringing me." Lani turned to face him. He nodded and kissed her, "put something cute on today." He smirked before walking away.

Lani walked back in the room behind him and straight to her suitcase. She found a comfortable graphic tee, pink windbreaker shorts, and a cute pair of Nikes. Before putting all of it on, she did her makeup and decided not to put on a wig for the day.

As soon as she finished doing her hygiene routine and getting dressed, her and Kofi headed out of the hotel to have sone fun. The first thing they did, was find brunch, which was Lani's favorite kind of meal.

"Kofi, you've raised the bar." She simply said before sipping on a Bellini. "I am the bar mami, there won't be anybody after me." He smirked causing her to laugh. "Shut up." She giggled.

"Take some pictures for me." Kofi smiled and she looked at him as he snapped.

"Kofi why did you spontaneously decide to bring us here?" Lani asked while still looking at him taking the pictures. "Well I wanted to get away from the city, and I wanted to bring you along for the experience." He put his phone away. "Okay. You plan on staying in commercial real estate?" Lani asked as she put money on the table for their meals. "Yeah, I love it. Even if my dad wants me to be a strict, cookie cutter man. The crazy thing is, I'm far from straight and cookie cutter and that's why I sell." He said taking her hand and getting up. "How's the fashion store going so far?" He asked as they walked out of the restaurant and down the streets, observing their surroundings. "It's good, I actually have a photo shoot coming up soon. I'll be modeling my designs, and I'm so nervous." Lani gushed.


"Don't be nervous, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met and you're gonna take some awesome shots." He smiled at her. "Aw, thank you." She gushed.

Kofi thought about how he and Lani were coming up on a year of being together and he wanted to support her business the best he could. She was still working her office job, and he couldn't help but think of the best way to surprise her with the support she needed.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked lowly as they entered a bar. "Nothing really babygirl. Just happy to be with you. Order something you like and I'll be back in about twenty minutes." He kissed her forehead and handed her some money.

Kofi walked into the back of the bar and headed for his good friend's office. "Max, your American friend is here." His security said before letting Kofi in.

"KP my boy! What you doing back here? Looking for business?" Max asked as he smiled wide in his face. "Yes. I came to talk to you about something else though. My girl, she have this crazy dude following behind her and the American boys move too wild. I need somebody calculated like you to fix it." Kofi's warm demeanor disappeared.

"It's handled no problem, send me the info about the boy. Now about business, you know your father normally handles it." Max looked concerned. "I know, but I'm out the loop and I need to be out back in." Kofi sighed. "Talk to your old man first. Take some initiative and then get back to me." He said before handing his hand out to Kofi. KP shook it before exiting out back to his girl to see her frowning at some man.

"Can I help you bro?" Kofi walked around him. "Oh no no. Sorry brother." He backed away with his hands up.

"Thank you." She smiled. "What took you so long?" She added. "I had to visit an old friend. Come on baby." He said helping her off the stool.

"I don't need help, I got it." She pushed his arm off before tripping a bit. "Drunk ass lil girl let's go." He chuckled putting his arm over her shoulder.

They made it back to the room and Kofi sat Lani on the bed and took off her shoes. He sat down in the lounge chair, contemplating on how he was going to get back in business with his father.

He wasn't even five minutes into his thoughts before Lani was climbing on top of him. "Hey, look at me. I love you." She slurred before laying on his chest. "Oh and this black shirt and shorts with the gold chain is really sexy." She dragged out. Kofi smiled, rubbing her back. "I love you too." He mumbled. "Kofi. There's something you're not telling me, I need to know." She mumbled before he heard light snores come from her small body.


Later on that night Lani woke up with a slight headache in the bed. "Bae!" She yelled out before getting out of the bed. She looked around the room and the alarm clock read six o'clock pm.

He never replied so she decided to take a shower. When she walked in the bathroom, she noticed he cleaned her makeup off, which she appreciates. She connected her phone to the speaker in the bathroom and dimmed the lights. She started to play Brent Faiyaz on shuffle before turning the water and stripping out of her clothes for the day.

As she showered, she thought about what happened today. It seemed like people were scared of Kofi. He's definitely a large man, but how would they be scared of a tourist? Why couldn't she meet his old friend? If they were Kofi's friend, then she would've loved to meet then. She let the thoughts swirl around her head.

"Lani!" Kofi entered his head into the bathroom, breaking her thoughts. "Come on in." She mumbled. She heard the soft pat of the door and the loud slam of the toilet cover. Meaning he was gonna sit in the bathroom with her. 

"Lani, I'm gonna tell you why I truly came down here." He sighed, turning the music off. "You can either hate me or just stick with me, but it is totally up to you. I came here to talk to my father's drug connect. My dad is a part of a very lucrative business and my sister and I were raised in this business from 16 years old. When you dropped those three words to me today, I thought that I should tell you before this went any deeper." He sighed and she turned the shower off.

She grabbed the towel and dried off before stepping out of the shower. "Lani." He calmly said while staring at Lani as she moved around the bathroom. It was a lot of information to take in. She didn't know what to think, let alone Yomi. "Lani. Please say something." He pleaded as she wrapped the robe around her naked body. "I don't know what to say. I wish I would've known sooner." Lani grabbed her wig off one of the bathroom hooks and put it on. "Well I couldn't just say, hello my name is Kofi and I run drugs across New York." He looked at her and she tilted her head in annoyance at his smart ass comment. "Well duh, but don't wait until I start to possibly fall head over heels to say something!" Lani raised her tone, before gasping and realizing what she just admitted.

She opened the bathroom door and walked into the bedroom with Kofi hot on her heels. "Listen to me baby. Just listen, I was born into this shit. You been safe all this time. I'm sorry." He grabbed her hand and she sighed.

"This is a lot to spring on a person. If I would've known from the top, I could've acted accordingly. It's fine Kofi. It's totally fine. I'm here now. I'm invested now." Lani said looking at him while still holding his hands. "Completely invested." She insisted.

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