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"See, my soul was weary but now it's replenished. Content because that part of my life is finished"
~ The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

| Six Months Later|


It was now June and Ailani was doing much better than she had before. She'd forgiven Jayce for the things he said, but she didn't take him back. In her heart, she finally felt free.

Today, she was meeting with a commercial real estate agent for her fashion company that started around the time she broke things off with Jayce.

She parked her car across the street from his office and made sure her outfit was put together before getting out of the car. After the traffic cleared, she walked across and into the tall blue-grey office center.

Exiting the elevator on the 20th floor, she walked up to the receptionist desk. The blonde woman sat in front of a large logo for the real estate company. She looked particularly annoyed with the day, so Ailani wanted to be as pleasant as possible. "Good afternoon, may you tell me where Mr. Kofi Phillips is? My name is Ailani Woods, I have an appointment." Ailani smiled as the receptionist smiled back. "Mr. Phillips is ready to see you. Follow me to his office if you will." She slightly grinned as she stood up.

Ailani followed her through the many offices all the way to the corner of the building. She knocked, opened the door, and introduced her. Once Ailani seen him all she could think about was why she hadn't met him sooner.


Kofi Phillips was 24 years of age, only a year above Ailani. He'd inherited the company from his father as soon as he had gotten his degree. His father, Kwesi Phillips, was a stick in the mud and he'd expected Kofi to be that way. However, Kofi was still young, handsome, and still lived his life whether his father agreed with it or not.

Standing at 6'2 he radiated a lot of power. His dark skin and nice teeth made him charming to women everywhere, but he wasn't at all interested in anybody at the time, or anytime soon. So he thought.

When Ailani stepped into the office, he felt his chest cave in. She literally took his breath away with her presence alone, and that was new to him. He shook it off and stood to greet her. "Hello, welcome to Phillips Premier Agency. As you know Ms. Woods, I am Kofi Phillips and it is nice to meet you today." He smiled as he shook her hand. "It is nice to meet you too." She spoke and they both sat down.

Kofi's mouth went dry and he poured himself a glass of water. "Would you like some? It's just water." He chuckled and Ailani shook her head no. After taking a sip, he started to ask about what her business was and what type of look was she going for. "I'm in no big rush, I want to take my time to find something worth my time. Especially if I plan to be in it forever." She smiled. He really liked her smile. "I totally understand Ms. Woods." He said. "Just call me Ailani." She laughed and he nodded. "Okay, Ms. Ailani. Taking your time to find something that lasts forever is something I don't mind helping you with. You'll definitely find a forever a thing with me." He smiled.


"Wassup Love?" She answered as she placed her phone on speaker. "Lani, Jalen invited us to one of his club events tonight. You wanna go?" She asked. "Sure. What's the attire?

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