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It had been a week since I moved in with Taehyung and it was time to go back to work. Of course, he wasn't happy, but I needed to go back. I was fed up of being scared and locked away in his flat worried that Jin would show up. I was sure I was boring Jungkook as well. Taehyung and Jimin wanted him to stay with me when Taehyung was at work, and I'm sure they didn't bother asking him if it was ok.

"I'm not happy about this," Taehyung said, "You're not fully healed and Jin is still there. You need to stay at home and wait for the court date,"

I looked at him in the mirror "I'm bored and as strange as this sounds, I miss my students,"

"But what if Jin corners you and no one is around?"

"Jin isn't stupid," I said, "He wouldn't approach me in school. He would just wait until the students have left,"

"Not filling me with confidence!"

"I'll be ok," I said, "And I know that you want me back in school so you can keep an eye on me,"

"Hmm," He said, "I guess I can agree with you coming back,"

I smiled and got to my feet. I kissed him gently "We should leave or we will be late,"

"You can't kiss me and expect us to be on time," He said wrapping his arms around me, pressing his chest to my back "Let's play hooky,"

"I've never played hooky before," I said.

"Are you fucking serious?" Taehyung said turning me around "You are 26 years old and you have never once played hooky?"

I shook my head "I was a good student and if my parents found out I was playing hooky, they would be furious. They helped me pay for my degree,"

"That's it," Taehyung said, "We are bunking school,"

"Tae!" I said chasing after him "We can't. The students have exams and-"

"They can get a substitute," Taehyung said putting the phone to his ear "Is that Mr Kim's PA?"

I jumped at him and knocked him back onto the sofa, trying to wrestle for the phone, but he wrapped his arm around my head and pinned me to his chest. Even with my small grunts and attempts at escaping, he was too strong.

"Tell him that Kim Taehyung is unable to come to work today," He said, "A reason? Oh, well he needs to take Yoon Hana to a doctors appointment,"

"Don't lie!" I said, my voice coming out as a muffle.

"Why is that any of your business?" Taehyung said, "Well, if he is there put him on the phone...I can wait as long as you need me too...put me on hold or he can call me back. It's up to you...then I will see you tomorrow, oh, and tell Mr Kim that if he has a problem he can call my lawyer,"

Taehyung hung up and wrapped his arms and legs around me like a koala. I tilted my head and he just grinned at me.

"Welcome to the world of being rebellious,"

"You haven't changed a bit," I said pulling my arms free and I pulled his cheeks "You are still a pain in the ass,"

"Yeah, but I'm your pain in the ass," He laughed, "So, here is what we are going to do. We are going back to bed for a few hours, we are going to order something to eat and we are going to game or watch films,"

"You have bunked too many times,"

"Maybe," Taehyhung said letting me go and I squeezed between him and the back of the sofa and Yeontan jumped up to join us "But in school, I bunked school to go to the arcade and fight. Now I'm an adult, I have to do adult things,"

He Was My Student [[KTH]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now