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The cab pulled up outside my house and I just stared at the window, knowing that Jin was watching. I swallowed the lump in my throat and I turned to see Taehyung facing me.

"I'll wait until you get inside," He said, "I enjoyed myself tonight. It was nice to see you relax a bit,"

"Yeah," I said, "It was fun,"

I turned back to look at the house and I went to open the door but I paused. My heart was in my throat and I saw the front door open and I panicked. I let go of the handle and turned away from the house, knowing that Jin was waiting for me.

"Hana, are you alright?"

"I can't do it," I whispered, "I can't go back"


"I can't go in there. Driver, you can go to the next stop now," I said and the driver nodded, pulling away from the side of the road. I didn't want to look out the window because I didn't want to see the face Jin was pulling.

Taehyung reached over and took my hand in his making me jump "Hana, are you sure this is a good idea? Jin will-"

"I don't care," I said, "I can't go back in there! He will lose his temper and I've had a lot to drink. I don't want to be around him,"

"I have a spare room," Taehyung said, "I'm sure I have something that you can change into,"

I nodded "Thank you and I'm sorry,"

Taehyung opened the door to his flat and he let me in first. He flicked the light on and kicked his shoes off. I followed suit and put my heels against the wall, so no one would trip over them. He led me through the short hall and I took a look to the left. It was a short walk to the two bedrooms and I stepped into the large living room he had.

There was a big flat-screen on the wall surrounded by game consoles and the kitchen was small compared to the size of the living room. The sofa was black and sat nicely in the corner and it was obvious that Taehyung lived alone because it was slightly untidy, but it wasn't bad. It was comforting in a way.

"Did you want anything to drink?" He asked and I nodded. He walked into the kitchen and tripped slightly making me laugh "That damn dog needs to put his toys away,"

"You have a dog?" I asked.

Taehyung nodded and came back with a beer "He's probably asleep and not noticed that I've come home. Did you want to meet him?"

I nodded with a smile "Yes please"

"Alright. Have a seat and I'll wake him up," Taehyung left and I made myself comfortable on the sofa and he came back with a small dog in his arms "This is Yeontan. Yeontan, this is Hana,"

"Oh my god!" I said, rushing over "He is so cute!"

Taehyung smiled and handed his dog over to me, who licked my face "He likes you. Just like his owner"

I felt my face burn "I didn't know you had a dog. I always wanted a dog but I don't have time for one,"

"I thought that but Yeontan is easy to look after," Taehyung said scratching his puppy's head "I get to come home to him every day so that's fine with me"

Yeontan licked my face again and I put him on the floor, just to watch him jump around Taehyung's feet. I smiled and looked back up at Taehyung who was watching me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tucked my hair behind my ears.

"Thank you for letting me stay here," I said, "Although I didn't really give you much of a choice,"

"Then let me tell you something," He said stepping closer to me "I didn't want you to go into your house. I wanted to bring you back here,"

"Why?" I said quietly.

"Because I know that if you stepped into that house you would get hurt," Taehyung said, just above a whisper "It was hard for me to tell the cab driver to take you to that place,"

My heart was stuck in my throat and I could take my eyes away from him as he stepped a bit closer to me. It was like I was in a trance and his dark eyes were sucking me in. My breathing felt like it had stopped and I had to let out a sigh to convince myself I wasn't dying.

Taehyung stopped in front of me, looking down at me "Hana, you looked beautiful tonight,"

I cleared my throat and forced myself to look away from him "Thank you,"

"I don't think I took my eyes away from you all night," He said and put his finger on my chin making me look at him "Even after all these years, you are the only one I could think about"

I let out a shaky breath "I'm sure there are other girls who are better,"

Taehyung smiled and shook his head "I've had other girls and none of them was as good as you and I know that I'm 4 years younger but that doesn't stop me from liking you,"

My heart skipped a beat again and I struggled to find my words. I couldn't help but bite into my bottom lip and I saw Taehyung's eyes darken slightly. Taehyung slowly lowered his lips to mine and I think he was expecting me to push him away, but when I didn't he pulled back and looked at me, trying to get an answer out of me.

When I didn't respond he kissed me again, one that was full of need. Taehyung gripped my head tightly as his tongue slipped between my lips, flicking against mine. I couldn't help but moan slightly as he kissed me harder and I kissed back, holding onto his shirt as tightly as I could.

"We shouldn't do this," I said breaking the kiss for a few moments before he kissed me again. His hands pushed my jacket from my shoulders and it dropped to my feet.

"Shouldn't we?" He asked, kissing along my jaw "Then why aren't you stopping me?"

I bit into my bottom lip and he looked down at me, "This can't happen,"

Taehyung smirked "Then push me away and I will stop,"

A/N: Damn, I am on a roll! but I have to stop now cause I'm getting ready for an evening shift at work.

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The next chapter will be a little mature for you thirsty hoes, so don't forget to comment on that as well xD


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