🕷️Chapter seven🕷️

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As you wake up, you feel really excited for school and it was a Monday. Peter liked you?! It couldn't have gone any better!

You remembered how you kissed on the beach so vividly, it played over and over in your mind.

You were wondering what today was going to be like, were you going to pretend it didn't happen or do the complete opposite?

You got on the bus next to Ned as usual, waiting for Peter's stop. Everything seemed normal so far, you assumed that Ned didn't know.

You soon see the face of Peter as he walked onto the bus, Ned waved at him and he sat down next to you.

"Hey" he said, directed at you.

"Hi" you responded to him as you turned to face him.

"Are you alright?" He asked, he always wanted to make sure you were okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You replied and that was the start of your conversation on the way.

Once you all got to school you had science, all three of you were in that class so you walked there together.

You and Peter were seemingly closer with each other but Ned didn't question it, he just thought the new kid awkwardness was gone.

Once you were seated in science, you were told what to do as an experiment and began. You, Peter and Ned all had to do it separately but stayed on the same table.

You collect all the things you need for it and set them down. You started adding things in order when something doesn't seem right. You think about everything you've done so far and realise you missed an important step.

You quietly panicked, not wanting to stir up a fuss, while you try to think of what to do.

Peter noticed your quietly panicking in the corner of his eye. He carefully stops what he was doing and walks to you.

"Do you need a hand, there?" He said, offering his help.

"Uh, yes please.." you awkwardly say. You knew you messed up, but maybe you could prevent destroying the school with Peter's help.

He helped you do the experiment and  as he moved his hand away your hands touched. As this happened you failed to produce any thoughts or movements. The fangirling had literally broken you.

Once you were back in the land of the living, you looked to Peter. He was already busily working away.

He was so smart, it was incredible to see in front of you. You watched what he was doing for a bit until turning to what Peter had done to help.

Once you heard the bell, that meant the lesson was over. You waved goodbye to Peter and Ned then headed to the bathroom.

While you were in there, you didn't know, Peter and Ned were talking.

"What did you do this weekend?" Ned asked Peter.

"Me and (Y/N) were hanging out around New York for our Geography project." He told Ned,

"Where did you go?" Ned wondered.

"We went to this beach last night.." Peter began before being cut off by Ned,

"Ooh!" He said, "That explains a lot. What happened?"

"What do you mean," Peter asked, pretending to be confused.

"I saw how you two have been acting, don't try to cover it up."

"Alright," Peter gave in, "I'll tell you." Peter began telling Ned what happened on the Beach and how you kissed. Once he reached the end of the story Ned spoke,

"Okay, you did good."

"Is that it? That's all you're going to say?" Peter said, surprised.

"Yep." Ned stated simply, causing the conversation to end in time for you to walk out.

You head towards them and stand next to Peter, you're not sure why you did but something made you.

You all went to your next lesson and continued with the day, it was seemingly normal.

As the day came to a close you all got on the school bus. As always you sat between Ned and Peter. As Peter came to his stop, you picked up his bag ready to leave.

Before he left, you stood up and kiss him on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow Peter," you said as he left.

"Bye (Y/N)" you faintly hear Peter say.

You felt proud of yourself, you literally just kissed Peter Parker on the cheek and he didn't reject you. That's something to tick off the bucket list.

As normal, you got home and greeted your Grandmother. Still a new concept, calling her Grandmother but you'd have to get used to it.

Once you got back, you and Peter started texting. You were both being slightly flirty on there but after that you called each other.

You talked for hours, it was still flirty, but relaxed too. It was similar to this in school too.

While talking to Peter you fell asleep, you were very tired and so was Peter. He noticed and was about to end the call to sleep himself, just before he did he said,

"Sweet dreams, (Y/N)."

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