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Aria Adkins

"Shit, did you see that?"

I look up from my phone with furrowed brows and a pointed stare at Sidney. "See what?"

"The pig that just flew past the front window," she says dryly.

I roll my eyes and pocket my phone. "Was that your attempt at a joke?"

She laughs and leans against the counter. "You've been smiling a lot lately. Its just different, is all."

"Good different?" I ask.

"Very good. It's a nice contrast to your usual resting bitch face," she smirks.

I stick my tongue out at her. "You love my resting bitch face."

"Holy fuck, a whole group of pigs must've flown by, because since when do you stick your tongue out?" she asks seriously.

"I don't see the big deal," I reason, turning to straighten a stack of menus.

Sidney nudges my shoulder. "Okay, but all jokes aside, I'm happy for you. Seriously. He seems like a good guy, and you've smiled more times this month than you have this entire year. When's he taking you out?"

A grin tugs at my lips at the mention of our upcoming date. "This Sunday. I have no idea where we're going though, and I'm trying not to think about it."

"Why not?"

I gesture at my face. "Does it look like I've ever been on a date? I'm shitting bricks."

She snorts. "It'll be fine. I'm glad to know that dates are still a thing, though. Lucky bitch."

"Oh, no." I turn towards her and cross my arms. "What'd he do now?"

A twinge of anger crosses Sidney's features. "I haven't seen Lincoln in a week."

I frown, confused. I motion for her to continue.

She groans and throws her head back in aggravation. "He's been distant. Every time I ask him to hang out, he says he already has plans. I feel stupid even thinking it, but... maybe he's cheating on me."

"Have you lost your mind?" I ask her calmly.

Not even giving her a chance to respond, I continue. "He's obsessed with you. You guys might argue all the time, but I can tell he loves you. I don't think he's cheating. But if he is, I'll kick his ass."

"I think I'm gonna do a stake-out," she announces.

I laugh. "Need some back up?"

"This is why you're my best friend," she sighs. "I'll let you know when it's going down. Be ready."

"Sounds good," I smile.

A chime echoes around the diner and Sidney and I both straighten up, attempting to look busy.

"Oh fuck," Sidney murmurs suddenly.

I glance up to see what's going on, and stiffen when I see Aunt Dina weaving through tables with a dopey smile on her face and cheetah print slippers on her feet. She looks awful. Her hair is greasy and sticking up in every direction, and she looks like she got dressed in the dark. Neon green basketball shorts and a hot pink t-shirt with holes and stains on it hang off of her sallow frame.

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