
19.5K 727 168

Aria Adkins

Waking up without the sound of glass breaking or Mom pounding at my bedroom door, hollering about cash and booze, was weird. Nice. Nerve-wrecking.

It felt like the calm before the storm. So eerily quiet and calm, that I was almost scared to get out of bed and risk breaking the silence. The only thing that finally motivated me into throwing off the covers and hopping in the shower was a text from Austin telling me that he'd pick me up at noon for our date.

I was both excited and nervous for today. It's funny how just a month ago I was punching frat guys in the face at O'Nelly's and cleaning up Mom's vomit every night, and now I've got a job at Vice, peace and quiet for the first time in six months, and feelings for a guy I never saw coming.

At eleven o'clock, I pad into the kitchen with dripping wet hair and happily start the coffee machine. A glance around the semi-tidy kitchen and living room, no empty whiskey bottles in sight, sends a happy thrill up my spine.

This is how it should be, I think to myself. I just hope it can stay this way.

While the coffee brews, I take advantage of the peacefulness and indulge in something I haven't been able to do for myself in so long — I cook breakfast. Or, brunch, since it's 11 A.M.

I switch on the old faithful radio and quietly sing along to Bon Jovi while I scramble up eggs and fry sausage. I pile my plate high and set aside a separate one, covered by a paper towel, for Savannah once she wakes up.

Five seconds after I sit down at the kitchen table and pick up my fork, three sharp knocks ring out against the front door. Immediately, my entire body tenses and I'm on high alert.

I mentally curse myself for letting my guard down and brace myself for what's sure to be on the other side of the door — my mother.

Instead, Sidney greets me on the other side clad in a cute romper and a backpack hanging off of one shoulder.

I stare at her in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"Before I tell you, I just have one question," she says.

I raise an eyebrow, which she takes as her cue to continue.

"What were you planning on wearing for your date today?"

I sigh when I realize what she's up to and step back, holding the door open for her. "If I tell you, you'll have a coronary fit," I grumble.

"Which is why I'm here!" she chirps.

I lock the door behind her and sit back down at the table. I take a bite of eggs while Sidney pours herself a cup of coffee.

"Damn, it's quiet in here," she remarks.

"Never thought I'd see the day," I sigh happily. "So, what'd you bring for me?"

She plops the backpack in the chair beside me and begins rifling through it. "An array of options. Do you know where he's taking you?"

"No clue. He just told me we'll be outside. How hot is it out there, today?"

She smiles. "High of 75. You got lucky. So did I, because I have the cutest dress that would look great on you."

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