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Aria Adkins

"Me again. This is the sixth voicemail and still no answer from you. If you're not dead already, I'm gonna kill you when I see you. Answer your phone!" I slam my cell phone onto the counter top and bury my face in my hands in frustration.

"I'm sure she'll call you back soon," Austin reassures me from his spot at the front door. I watch as he strategically assembles the dead bolt lock I'd purchased after he picked me up from my shift at RJ's this morning—the shift that Sidney never showed up for.

Sidney Dupree is known for a lot of things; her on again-off again relationship with Lincoln Matheson, her infatuation with weed, the ranch accident, and most importantly, her punctuality. The girl is a lot of things, but she's not one to skip out on work—no matter how many times she jokes about quitting.

"It's not like her to skip out on work. I'm worried about her," I sigh.

"I'm sure she has a good reason. What's the boyfriend's name again?"

"Lincoln," I murmur wryly, "He changes his number once a month, and last I heard he was living with his cousin, so I have no clue how to contact him."

Austin finishes securing the chain across the door and turns to me with a pointed look. "Come here," states. I dutifully walk over and stop in front of him, looking up at him with a grimace on my face. "I'm worried about her," I mutter.

He leans his back against the door and wraps both arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I rest my forehead on his chest and sigh. "I know you are, but I'm sure she'll get in contact with you soon. Take a deep breath, try not to let it worry you too much."

I lift my head and narrow my eyes at him. "This is me we're talking about here."

Austin laughs and leans down, kissing me briefly on the forehead. I close my eyes and do as he suggested, inhaling his trademark scent of cinnamon. I visibly relax my shoulders.

"You take care of everyone," he murmurs, brushing his thumbs across my hips soothingly, "Let me take care of you."

My heart swells and begins to beat furiously. "I'm trying," I whisper. He leans down, covering my lips with his, and my body relaxes into his naturally. It's like instinct at this point; Austin kisses me and my body melts. His kiss is slow, deep, and consuming, stealing the rest of the broken pieces of my heart he hasn't already claimed.

I rise up on my toes and smooth my hands up his chest, lost in the moment when Austin suddenly lurches forward and head bumps me. Hard.

"What the hell?" Savannah and I say at the same time. I rub my forehead as Austin laughs loudly, gripping my waist and walking us away from the front door.

Savannah's dark brown eyes stare at me through the crack of the door, bright light filtering inside. "Y'all gonna stop sucking face and let me in?" she drawls.

I step out of Austin's embrace and unlatch the chain holding the door to the frame. Sav busts through and throws her book bag to the linoleum floor, kicking off her shoes at the same time.

"How was school?" I ask, closing the door behind her.

"Life altering," she deadpans. "Anyway, I have an idea."

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