The start of something amazing

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Hi guys, this is my first fan fiction, please tell me what you think, any opinions or help would be much appreciation. Hope you like it xx :) 

Chapter 1

Beep beep beep! My alarm went off, "Arrrgg" I grunted, it is 3am in the morning and I literally look like a creepy troll doll risen from the dead. I slid out of bed and walked into the kitchen still half asleep for breakfast. I slurped down my cereal and got frighten by the time, "OH SHIT!!" I screamed, I quickly picked up my last couple of bags and said my final goodbyes to my dog Casper that was crying at the door, and quickly ran to the taxi waiting outside my apartment. 

I arrived at the airport after a very slow cab ride since the highway was packed with cars since it’s a school holiday. I jumped out of the car and got my bags, I didn't really know how to feel, I was excited to go on my holiday to New York but upset to leave my family looking after my Grandpa while his sick, but I think its for the best as I really do need to escape from my everyday life of worries and just relax and have fun.

After I checked in at the airport I went to sit down ready to board the plane, I thought since it's going to be a very long and draining plane ride I should get some magazines to read to blow off time. I walked over to the nearest store and had a look around. As I looked through the collection of magazines I saw in the corner of my eye a One Direction book, and as any Directioner you can't just pass it and walk away, so I had to buy it, so I walked to the register. As I was walking back so my seat I flicked through a few pages, "OMG, Louis looks so adorable in this pic!! EEPPP" I squeaked with fandom. When I arrived back at my seat the message for my flight boarding came on, "Good morning, the flight to New York 235 is now boarding, please move to gate 7 for check in", I jumped with excitement and had a little happy dance to myself hoping know one noticed. I began walking towards the gate and handed the host my ticket, "this is it,” I said to myself, as I skipped onto the plane with a beaming smile. 

‪I lifted my luggage onto the shelf above and took my seat at the front of the plane next to some lovely elderly lady. I begin to make myself as comfy as possible as it’s going to be a long flight, especially since I hate planes. It’s now been 9 hours into the plane ride and its time for dinner, as the food cart was coming around I literally bounced out of my seat and dived for the trays, "FOOD" I yelled like a little kid, I don't normally eat so much but this whole plane experience is making me nervous and makes me ridiculously hungry. The hostess gave me the menu and asked what I would like, "I’ll have the Tacos" I said in a dumb and deep voice with a little smirk on my face, a bit later I thought about what I said and it reminded me of the YouTube video 'The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction', which made me begin to laugh until I snorted uncontrollably. For the rest of the boring trip through the clouds I listened to songs on my iPod while reading my new magazine I purchased from the shop before I left. The book was called, ‘Gotta Be You’ which even the heading made me melt, as I look at the most sexiest and adorable photos of the boys. The flight went freakishly fast after that, could be because I was drooling over each page for at least an hour, but I finally heard over the intercom explaining that we will be arriving soon in New York which made me gasp with relief. I began to start packing up my stuff around me so I could get out of this death trap they call a plane as quickly as possible.

Finally I was out of the plane and walking through the airport to pick up my baggage, I could see the outside and a big shiver came through my body, the feeling of excitement and adventure started to begin and I quickly rushed outside the doors and breathed in the fresh famous air. I quickly came to the conclusion that getting a cab in the country was very difficult so I ended up walking to my hotel which was 7 blocks down the road by what my map says. After an hour of walking around lost on my first day I stopped for refreshment at Starbucks and to ask for directions, after I received my drink I walked another 2 blocks to where my hotel was that I past twice and didn’t notice. The hotel was a bit scummy but that’s all I could afford, but the experience of living my dream was just breath taking. As it got late I sat out on my balcony admiring the view of the alive city below me, I began to think of what I’m going to do on my first full day around New York city and all the places I’ll see in the next couple of days. By 12 in the morning I woke up and found myself still sitting outside in frozen cold wind and decided it was time to curl up into my nice warm bed.

Romantic Get Away (Louis Tomlinson/ One Direction) Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now