The Funeral

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Sorry i haven't updated in forever!! so here it is, the next chapter, hope you in joy..

It's quarter to six in the morning and Louis kept moving around the bed trying to get comfortable, I turned around to face him and put my hand on his head and started to stroke his hair to make him fall back to sleep, the funeral was today and we had to get out of bed at 7, which I'm not looking forward to, I slowly dozed back into a deep sleep with Louis in my arm like a cute cuddly teddy bear. 

My alarm clock went off as loud as possible with that freaking irritating tone! I swung my hand around to land on the top to shut it off, I groaned and turned myself back over, "Jaimee, we have to get up darling" he said while leaning in to kiss me on my neck, "Lou, stop it, it tickles" I laughed, but i wanted him to so badly keep going, i looked at him straight in the eyes and kissed the point of his noise, he loves it. 

Lou stepped out bed only to be seen in his white Calvin Klein's, why does he tease me so much with his good looks and figure, i still don't understand why his with me but i could tell how happy he is to be away from the fame. I got up out of bed in my cheeky monkey pajamas, not as good as Louis looked but i didn't care. Lou was standing in front of the mirror with three different ties trying to figure out what he should wear today, i know black is the colour for a funeral but i loved to see him in turquoise to match his skin tone. "I like that tie" pointing to the turquoise one, "okay, but just for you, I want to look my best for you at all times" he said in a sweet caring voice, "you don't have to, i love you just the way you are" i answered, i then realized what i just said, i said the most dreaded 3 words you could ever say, I Love You. Louis turned around to face me, i've never seen him with such a big grin, "you just said I love you to me" he said followed by a giggle, "omg, I'm so sorry, i... i", beginning to choke on my words, "Jaimee, I love you too" at this point my heart was pounding so fast, i began to blush uncontrollably. Louis lent in to kiss me, but this time was different, i felt something, something i've never felt with anyone before, it was love.  

It is now 8 o'clock, we were running late so me and Lou got in the car and told Mum and Dad that we will see them there and we will set things up, the drive there was the worst, i couldn't stop thinking of grandpa, there were so many things i wanted to say to him, today i want to make special, not sad but a celebration of his full lived life. I began to snuggle into lou's shoulder and gently closed my eyes, he put his head on mine and began to play with my fingers. We got to the cemetery to find over 100 people standing around with flowers, Louis got out of the car and ran around to my door and and held my hand to help me out, i looked around and began to smile at them all, i couldn't believe how loved my grandad was, Louis held me close and walked me up to service and sat me down. Shortly after my parents turned up, they are being so strong, my mum had a tear running down the side of her face but still showed a smile with my dad holding her hand from behind. 

The service began, all i could hear was the sniffing of people crying and dead silence, we all had a turn to pay our respects, I stood up with Louis holding my hand for support, I stood next to the coffin and placed the necklace he gave to me for my 5th birthday, he told me it was his wife's when she was my age, i never knew her because she passed away before i was born but i felt like i knew her so much. I small tear fell from the corner of my eye, i told myself to be strong for him so that i did, Lou pat me on the back, i turned to him and held his hand as tight as possible, knowing that it probably hurts but he didn't mind. 

The funeral was over, me and my family stood at the door saying our thanks to the people that attended, some of his friends came to me and told me the things he used to say to them about me, it made me smile, he was so proud of me, they all gave me a tight hug and left. 

On the drive home i began to have flash backs of him, i can't remember very much but i could remember how happy he was all the time. Louis looked at me and smiled, "you were so lovely today, so strong, I'm proud of you", "I'm just glad you were with me Lou" i said while leaning in to kiss him, at this point i began to think how i couldn't bare to live without him. 

That night me and him sat next to the fire snuggled up in blankets roasting marsh mellows, Louis had his hand up high on my thigh's while stroking my legs, he slowly moved his hand behind my back and slid me down onto the floor, he laid beside me kissing my lips slowly, he began to kiss the side of my neck in a slow sucking motion, i began to groan of the feeling of him touching me........

That's the end of this chapter, haha, thank you for reading and please comment and vote :) love you all xx :D  

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