They commit a crime

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💙 Goggles 💙

"Y/n, can I have this please please please?" Goggles asked, holding a Judd plush to his chest.

"We don't have any money, Goggles. Put it back." You sighed. Without even checking to see if anyone was looking, he shoved the plush into his jacket. You figured making a scene would escalate things too far, so you just let him do it.

💚 Rider 💚

"Give me back my jacket you asshole!" Rider chased after Goggles, who'd snatched his leather jacket from him.

"Haha!  No way!" You watched all of this go down.  Rider stopped running for a moment, grabbed his Dynamo roller, and charged at him.  Goggles was hit so hard he fell unconscious, and only after Rider had taken his coat back and put it on did he realize he'd just assaulted him. 

"Crap..." Rider muttered, "Maybe he's stupid enough to not call the cops on me..."

"You didn't have to hit him that hard Rider..." You said. 

"Whatever, his fault. Let's get out of here before he wakes up." Sure enough, no authorities we're called. 

💗 Aloha 💗

"Aloha, what're you doing to the sidewalk?!" You confronted a Aloha, squatting down on the ground with a can of pink paint. He'd sprayed it on the sidewalk.

"Drawing! Like a gangster!" He smiled at you like he hadn't just vandalized some cement.

"You're gonna get I trouble if people see that!" It messily said 'PINK TEAM ROCKS'.

"It washes off, see?" He poured some o his water from a water bottle on the paint, only for it to make a puddle. She tried stomping on it to scrub it off, but that's just not how spray paint works.

"Give me that..." You looked around and made sure nobody could see, shook the paint can, and crossed out the words. Then you both ran away, never to receive consequences for the action.

💘 Army 💘

You were chilling with Army and his team as they discussed their manual.  Army had written a new section I his manual describing curry, which raised the attention of Forge.

"Army sir, isn't this copied word for word from the Wikipedia page?" She asked.  Army's face turned flustered. 

"No, of course not!" Army quickly rebutted. 

"Yknow you could go to jail if it is a Wikipedia article, right?" Sailor Blue said.

"Whatever, I'll revise it tonight...  Let's move on." Later on, after everyone had left, he confessed he plagiarized because of his misunderstanding of food.


Mask really wanted a new game that comes out tomorrow, but he'd spent all his money on other games that released this month. You and him were at a table together while he was on break from training with the S4.

"I don't have any money either. You'll just have to wait until you get the money..." You said, trying to comfort him.

"... Fuck thaaaat! I need to get revenge anywaaaaays..." Mask got out of his chair and walked over to tla sleeping Aloha. Gently, he snatched his wallet from his shirt pocket and dug out a handful of cash before placing it right where it was before. Aloha didn't even wince.

"C'mon, we don't wanna be around when he wakes uuuuuup~ huhuhu~" He held your hand and took you to do a match or two of turf war so your allibi would be fine.

💛 Prince 💛

You were walking together to get ice cream on a relatively hot day. You both were craving something sweet and the shop wasn't too far. You were kiddie corner from the shop. To be lazy, you looked both ways and jaywalked! Not a big deal right? To goody two shoes Prince it was.

"Y/n! You can't do that! That's illegal!" Before he finished his sentence you were at the other side of the road. He crossed the safe way.

"Good thing there aren't any police around~" You teased.

"Don't do it again! You might hurt yourself!" He hugged you tightly and you vowed never to jaywalk ever again.

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