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// y/n's pov //

Why does it always happen to me..
I'm the unluckiest person in the whole wide world...😑
I stood there with a blank face..

"Y/n sweetheart, come on it ain't that bad"
My mom tried to cheer me..
But I just hate it when i think of what's gonna happen next..
Yes...I'm gonna get married..
No yay!! I'm gettin married to the one I loathe...
I sighed as I was being clothed in my WHITE FROCK....

~time skip~

I was walking down the aisle with my father...
Who was very contented for my wedding unlike me...
"HE" was the only reason I'm gettin married to him 'KIM SEOKJIN''
I look up to find him standing there with a smile on his face...
'FAKE! FAKE! FAKE! IT'S ALL FAKE!' I thought to myself while my dad handed me to him..
(Fakeu smile~ fakeu smile~ fakeu smile~😂)

"You may kiss the bride"
He leaned closer..
I shut my eyes close..

|| next day ||

I woke up on the bed with the 'one-who-should-not-be-named'....😂just kidding
I woke up beside Jin.... I did my morning routine and found him still asleep on the bed... So I decided to wake him up..

"Mmhm" I fake coughed guessing he would wake up but.... NO
'what is he? A sloth?'
"Yah..wake up.. it's already 7 in the morning"
He was silent...
'aish this boy' I turned to leave but...
I felt a strong pair of hands pull me..
He back hugged me.... I could feel my face getting all heated up and my heart pounding...
'what the heck is happening?' why is my heart beating so fast?'
I turned to see him......STILL ASLEEP!
'what!! he was not awake?
Fine lemme escape since he won't know anything'
I tried to move slowly but...
He was holding me very (very) tight
'how could a sleeping person be this strong? Is he really sleeping?'
I felt a smirk behind my shoulder..
'shit?! Was he awake this whole time?'
"Yes I was" I heard him saying out loud
"But..but I was thinking of it and how did you know?"
"Oh my jagi you weren't thinking..u were speaking out loud this whole time.." he said and smile beneath the pillow..
"I..uh..co-could you l-let me go?"
I said stuttering..
"Why should I?" He asked..
'oh yeah I don't have any work to do.. wat am I gonna tell n escape?'
"Ok seriously? I know you hate me.. but why?" He asked confused
"Why?...tch...you don't remember?" I asked as I was boiling with anger
"No, I seriously don't know.."
"Ohh so you don't remember the one who you used to bully everyday...that she came to the extremes of suicide?... So your still gonna tell u don't know huh?"
I felt water droplets running outta my eyes
By this time we both we sitting in both the corners of the bed..

//Jin's pov//

"Ohh so you don't remember the one who you used to bully everyday...that she came to the extremes of suicide?... So your still gonna tell u don't know huh?"

I sat there shocked..
"I..I uh..never expected it would hurt you so much" he said rubbing his neck..
"Well..it did" she said wiping her tears..
'i felt sorry for her.. I mean I didn't know it would hurt her so badly'
"I'm sorry .. I didn't mean to hurt you"
"Ohh so someone bullies others not to hurt them huh?"
"No listen to me..have you seen me bully any other person in school apart from you?"
"Do you know why ?"
"Because I was a loser, a nerd right?"
"Shush..just listen..it was because I had a crush on you.. that's why I use to bully you so that no one would trouble you and you can be with me all the time, and..."
"And what?"
"I can never talk normally to you since I can't control my feelings towards you..so I kept bullying you so you can't find out"
She stayed quiet
"And this marriage. Do you think it happened unexpectedly.. NO! I wanted to marry you so I made my mom speak to your parents about our marriage, but now I feel guilty that I made you feel like that.. I'm really sorry"

// y/n's pov //

He said while a tear flow down his handsome face..
I never expected it would be like this..
I didn't know what to do so...
I leaned in and kissed him
"What was that for?" He asked shocked
"That has many reasons behind it do you wanna hear it or kiss me?" I asked smirking
"Obviously I wanna hear the reasons" he said and my smile turned to a frown but...he kissed me, I looked at him
"Lemme hear everything after this moment" he said and continued kissing me.......

______________the end_______________


Im sorry if it was borrring but I tried my level best.. vote and comment ur reviews on it.. and it wud be good if y'all suggest any ideas for the upcoming stories.
Until then tis is BINU and DEEPS signing off😂. And don't forget to check out our other accounts..
deepstae binukook

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