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// y/n p.o.v //
I was walking to the bus stop from school.i was soo tired cuz i did my homework as well as JIMIN's homework.yes he is my neighbour.... 'ugghhh everyone say that he is so smart and handsome one in the school..but no way....i do his homework everyday'.i turned to my right to see the handsome freak standing. He looked at me and smirked i turned way cuz i don't want face him.

I know he is soo cold nd mean towards me and only ME.. but still i feel my heart beat fast when i see him...is it LOV-- ' no no its jus you're afraid of him nothing else' . Yup nothing.... Right?? When the bus arrived i looked at him he got into that crowed bus. It is soo crowed how can i goo and i jus hate crowd. but the other passengers push me in.

I feel like i'm gonna puke.even tho its crowed i squeezed in. Everyone looks like gaint in front of me.i tried to hold somewhere to get a grip. I tried to catch the handhold but when i caught i got someone's wrist. I looked down to see the owner of the hand. Its was......JIMIN.he smirked i releases his hand nd turned to leave that awkward place but when the bus suddenly stops i lost balance and on fell down but somebody got me....

It was........omo....it was JUNGKOOK. I looked at him for a while until i heard someone cough. I looked at jimin who was so angry.i looked at jungkook and smiled." i'm sorry i didn't mea--"

"yea no problem..." he smiled down at me.i blushed when i see his bunny teeth.i again tried to catch the handhold but jungkook pulled my hands and wrapped it around his torso.i blushed madly by now i look like a tomato.i saw jungkook blushing too but i saw jimin glaring at us....my heart beats fast again is it becuz of jungkook or jimin??...suddenly jungkook started conversation nd it was comfortable...

I turned around to see my stop has arrived i said my farewell to jungkook and got down.i waved at jungkook who was inside the bus.when i turned to leave jimin blocked the way standing in between.' yeah.. I know he need me to finish his homeworks' i sighed. "yahh give me your homework note books i'll finis--" but before i could finish he turned and left.i stared at his back...' why he looks soo sad?? He looked happy before the bus ride.wait.....IS HE JEALOUS??' noway...how can a smart handsome person can love me..... I sigh nd walked to my home.

I went to home and quickly took shower and changed into new clothes.i look at my homework 'today there is not much of homework' i sigh. I felt guilty...'but i didn't do anything right??' i looked outside my window to see an angry nd sad jimin standing near his home. 'should i go talk to him?' lemme try...i went out and went near jimin.

"heyy jimin why are you standing out?? Its cold here.." he looked in my eyes. 'stop it orelse i would die...' i broke the eye contact
"why do u care???"he asked me. I sigh "i'm sorry jimin i di--" he pinned me in the walls of his house.my heart beating soo fast that it can fall out of my body.i looked at him he was soo angry. 'i shuldn't have come out' he leaned in and whispered in my ears "do u like jungkook??" what?? 'wait do i like him??' noo way....i shook my head 'no'.he smirked as if the evil coming out.

He leaned in and whispered in my ears"don't go near other boys"

"wait....are you jealous?" i laughed at him.he turned serious"yes! i'm jealous cuz you're mine"he whispered in my ears as his lips touched my ears.
"w-what w-was that?" i stutter. He looked my eyes and then my lips as deciding something. "wha--"i was cut off by his lips smashing against mine.i stood froze but soon kissed back. 'the pretty and smart boy i always admired is kissing me ha' i smiled against his lips as we parted to get some air.

I looked at him to explain."yahh why are looking at me like that?" i gave him more glares. "uhh...you know i always tortured you and followed you only becuz i love you,but you always roam with that kid..."he said.

"but.."i started "you should know i love you y/n " he turned to leave but i pulled him back at gave him tight hug....

"i'm sorry, sometimes i get jealous thinking someone could make you happier than i could "


Actually I love this story since my oppa wrote it... I hope y'all will like it too..
Vote n comment below.. we wud love to see ur comments.... And tats it fa today..
Until then this is deebi signin off..



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