Chapter 9 The Reunions

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Ikrir's POV

I looked at her with some confusion about how I know her, then when I looked into her eyes I started to remember where I knew her from. "I do remember you, I saved you from some wolf slayers that were picking on you in grade school. We became best friends, but you moved away for a long time. I missed you so much." She holds my hand and sheds two tears, "I've missed you too but I'm back now and I'm going to Rizyu Academy. Question do you remember the promise you made me before I left?" "I promised you that I will..."

His friends and sister walked in saw the two together holding hands. Ikrir got embarrassed by his sister poking at him, and he saw Volgun with Storm.

"Hey guys this is Kara. She helped throughout my match with psycho over there, and she's been my best friend since grade school. Kara, these are my new friends I've made since I started at Rizyu Academy.

Kara introduces herself to the group and told them that she's going to Rizyu Academy. Ikrir struggles to get out of bed when the group insists that he stays in bed but didn't, he started changing shirts and when he took off his shirt everybody saw his wound Volgun gave to him during the finals.

Coraline's POV

I looked at Ikrir's stomach wound and sighed. "You should have been more careful, you know he's strong!" I then looked outside and saw

Storm talking with a guy that was pretty built and had black/white/purple hair. His eyes were a deep purple that had a relative cuteness to them, and his arm was broken slightly. I quickly walked outside to check up on the two.

Coraline: Hey, is everything ok? Storm, who is this?

Storm: This is my older brother, Volgun Aslak aka the Nightmare Dragon King.

Volgun: Hey, nice to meet you!

The once terrifying guy outstretched his hand, which Coraline was reluctant to shake. Volgun saw this and reassured her that he wasn't going to do any harm to anyone here anymore.

Coraline: That's good, Ikrir is banged up pretty bad.....can I ask you something?

Volgun nodded with a smile, to which the girl blushed before continuing.

Coraline: Were you, holding back?

Storm: He didn't, Volgun was picked on in class so his personality changed around them and it got stuck during the match, plus he always takes a fight seriously.

Volgun: Well, in terms of my ability, yes they were held back. Majorly. My slayer magic gives me constant nightmares that I have to overcome before I can actually use my full strength.

Coraline: Oh I see...would you like to come in and talk to Ikrir?

Volgun nodded and got up. With a limp, he started to walk towards the infirmary and was hesitant to open the door.

Ikrir: Hey Storm, Volgun you two still out there?

Volgun: Yea, I'm here....Sorry for your stomach by the way

Ikrir: It's nothing man, you did good for a Nightmare elemental.

Volgun's eyes glowed and his voice dropped deeply.

Volgun: What the fuck Is that supposed to mean?

Ikrir: You're the first Dragon Slayer I've faced to leave a serious wound.

Everyone noticed the three large bloody wounds, even through the bandages. Volgun chuckled to himself and sat down beside the bed, rubbing his wounds with a powder from a pouch out of his coat pocket.

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