October 1st

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7:00 A.M.

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring. I rub my eyes and check the time.
"Shit I woke up late!"
I rush out of bed and rush to the closet to grab some clothes. When I look up my dorm mate Mina is standing in front of me.
"Why did you let me wake up late Mina?! I'm gonna be late for class!"
"Well y/n I didn't think you would want to go to class if you didn't wake up on time. Your alarm clock was getting annoying though."
"Of course I want to go to class! Why are you such a bitch Mina?!"
Mina rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and finished getting dressed. I take a quick look in the mirror and rush out the door.

I run to the bus stop.
Damn I'm really late.
I text Bang Chan who is in my class as I get on the bus.

Chan I'm running late! Mina didn't wake me up!

Channie ❤
Get here as fast as you can. I'll try to stall the professor.

Thanks Chan! You're the best!

No problem babygirl. ;)

I can always count on chan to save the day. Wait, did he just call me....HE DID! Why?

The bus finally stops in front of the building that my class is in so I get off.
Yay trigonometry! My favorite! I should have just skipped this class.

I walk in the doors and see Chan chatting with the professor. The professor didn't see me so I snuck over to my seat. Chan winked at me.
What is going on with him today?

After class ended Chan ran up to me.
"Hey Chan thanks again for saving my ass."
"No problem! Hey do you want to go to the cafe with the boys and I after your classes are over?"
"Sure sounds great! I'll meet you there."
"Okay I can't wait! We have some important news to share with you."
Important news?
"See you there!"
Chan started to run off but I forgot to tell him something.
He turned and ran back.
"Yeah y/n what's up?"
"I brought you and the guys a little treat."
"Oh! Great bring it with you to the cafe!"
"Okay! See you soon!"
"Laters baby!"
He ran off again.
Laters baby? Something is seriously going on today.
I shrugged it off and went to my next class. I tried to focus in my classes but all I could think about was what the boys had to tell me. Plus I didn't understand why Chan kept saying those thing to me.

2:00 P.M.

I just finished my last class of the day so I started walking towards the cafe I'm meeting the boys at. It's not a long walk. Only about fifteen minutes. I still can't stop thinking about what they all have to tell me. I text Chan and let him know I'm on my way.

15 minutes later

I arrive at the cafe and see all the boys are already there. Bang Chan, Han, Hyunjin, I.N., Changbin, Felix, Seungmin and Minho. We've all been friends since high school. They are my best friends. They all wave as I enter the door. I sit down between Chan and Hyunjin. We all chat for a minute. The waitress comes to take our order. The boys chat some more before our order arrives. As soon as we all get our drinks I pull a bag from my backpack.
"Hey boys! I brought a gift."
They all get excited.
I open the bag and pour equal amounts into all of their cups.

"Nothing like a hot cup of tea with a splash of blood."

"Y/N always comes through for us!"

"So what did you guys want to tell me?"

Everyone got really quiet. They started looking back and forth at each other.
"What is it?"
They all looked at Chan.

"Alright, alright! I'll be the one to tell her."

"Tell me what?"

"Well, the boys and I were talking last night and I said that I thought you were my mate."

"Your mate?"

"Yeah, as in you're the person I want to be with. But we hit a wall when all the other guys said that you were their mate."

"Oh, um, okay. So you all want to date me?"

"You're so cute! It's more than just dating sweetie. We are vampires. We have to mark our mate."

"What does that mean? What is the mark?"

"Well, that means that once we find our mate they can only be ours. We mark them by biting their neck. It hurts some but it doesn't last long. So we need you to decide which one of us is your true mate."

"Okay. So I could just date all of you and see where it goes?"

"You can, but there is one more catch."

"Great! What's that?"


"Now isn't the time Hyunjin."


"It's okay. Anyways, we have to mark you by the blood moon."

"When is that?"

"October 31st.."

"WHAT! I only have ONE MONTH to choose who I want to spend my life with?!"

"I'm sorry y/n. I really thought I was the only one who thought you were my mate."

"We all thought we were the only one."

"Okay guys I really need some time to think. I'll text you all tomorrow with a plan. Thank you for inviting me out and for telling me."

"Bye y/n!"

I walk out of the cafe and head back to my dorm.
How could this happen?
How am I supposed to choose between my eight best friends?

I get back to my dorm and lay down. Maybe if I sleep on it I'll be okay.
Thanks for reading! I'll post more as I write more! This is my first x reader so be gentle lol. Please vote, comment, add to your library and follow me!

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