October 12th

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10:00 A.M.

I wake up. Chan is gone. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My lip is still very swollen from Seungmin. I sigh. I get my clothes ready and get a shower.

When I get out of the shower I check my phone. I have several messages.

Channie ❤
Hey Babygirl. I hope you're feeling better!

MinMin 🌻
Y/n I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I hope Chan fixed it. Please forgive me?

Prince Jinnie 💛
Princess! I hope you're okay! Chan told me what happened. We are both furious! Text me asap!

Golden baby 💝
Hey y/n. I hope you're feeling better. I'm so sorry for what happened. Text me.

Han Jisung (squirrely boi) 💜
Y/n! Text me asap! I hope you're okay! I'm worried about you! I need to see you!

Bundle boy 💚
My gosh babe are you okay? I'm worried about you. I could kill Seungmin!

Lix kitty 🧡
Good morning sunshine. <3 I heard what happened. I hope you're okay. Text me.

Darkness 🖤
Hey y/n. Chan told me what happened. I hope you're okay. Text me. Let me know if you need anything. I'll bring you Gyu if you need him to help you sleep. <3

I don't know who to reply to first. They all texted me at once. I decide to just start with the first message and work my way down. I text Chan back first.

Hey Channie. Thank you for helping me and staying with me. I'm fine my lip is just swollen still. I'll see you soon. <3

Next is Seungmin. I don't want to text him back right now. I skip to Hyunjin.

Calm down Jinnie I'm fine. It was an accident. I'll see you soon. <3

Next is I.N.

Hey my golden baby! I'm okay. Thank you for checking on me. My lip is just swollen. I'll see you soon. <3

I text Han next.

Hey sweetie. I'm fine I'm just still a little swollen. You can come see me if you want! <3

Next is Minho.

I'm okay Minho. Thank you for checking on me. Calm down though it was an accident. I'll see you soon! <3

Then I text Felix.

Hey handsome! Thank you for checking on me. I'm okay I'm just swollen. Don't work too hard! See you soon! <3

And finally, Changbin.

Binnie you are too sweet. Thank you for the offer but you keep Gyu. You need him more than me. I'm fine. I'll see you soon. <3

I put my phone down and get dressed.

I check my phone after I get dressed and I have another message from Han.

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