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Y/n's POV:

We all got back to the house and set up our sleeping backs in the living room. Richie of course put his next to mine and i thought that was so adorable.

I looked at Bev and she made a heart with her hands and made kissy faces and I just rolled my eyes and flipped her off. And then she said "ok y/n suit yourself but don't blame me when he tries to get into your pants."

And I sigh and look at Richie while still talking to Bev "he's not gonna try and get into my pants don't worry Bev, but I'm just worried about you and Billy boy over here sleeping next to each other." And her face turned red. And pushed my arm. And said "shut up y/n it's not gonna happen."

And I shrugged my shoulders and said "you never know." And she rolled her eyes. Then Richie came over to me and hugged me from back of me.

And he said "can we all watch a movie?" And we all agreed and we all sat down in our sleeping bags. Eddie had already falling asleep so we didn't have to watch a PG movie.

Richie's POV:

We decided to watch Annabelle. I scooped closer to y/n and put my arm around her. I could feel her jump at some of the jump scares so I lightly and carefully picked her up and placed her on my lap.

She immediately grabbed my waist and dug her head in my shoulder. I moved her beautiful hair back and whispered "hey princess you ok?" And she nodded. Every now and then she would watch the screen but then go right back to digging her head in my shoulder.

There was a few jump scares and when it came she would jump a little and shake for like 5 minuets and then go back to normal. So lucky I've watched this before and knew when the jump scares would come.

(I've never watched it so bare with me) we were half way through and I knew a jump scares was gonna come so I whispered "hey y/n could you look at me for a second?" And right when she turned her head the jump scare came on.

Y/n's POV:

I wasn't afraid of Annabelle I was afraid of the sudden close ups. While we were watching it Richie leaned down and whispered "hey y/n could you look at me for a second?"

And I turned my head and he immediately crashed his lips onto mine. I smiled into it and and kissed back. I don't know why he just wanted to randomly kiss but it's fine with me!

His lips were so plum and soft like always. I always felt safe when I was with Richie. Then I pulled apart, our lips only centimeters away. "Why did you randomly kiss me Rich?"

And he said "there was a jump scare and I didn't want you shaking for another five minutes and also I just wanted to kiss you."

And i pecked his lips again and whispered "your such a nerd Rich." And he whispered "and your such a hottie." And I blushed and he kissed my forehead. And the losers just realized this and said together "woh woh get a room guys."

And Richie said "gladly, we wouldn't want you guys seeing us do stuff that would just be awkward." And literally every loser except for Eddie and I, Eddie was asleep, and I blushing, face palmed themselves on the forehead.

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