Big Break.....

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Too often, we carry around things from our past that hurt us, holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. You’re told not let negative experiences from the past rob your present of a happy future. Sometime it’s a lot easier said than done because when the past comes and haunts you. There nothing you can do to control those emotions especially when they enter your life after thirteen years. When you think you finally got over that tragic part of your life it literally bites you in the ass……

Sophia P.O.V

I’m Sophia Romero I’m originally from Covington Louisiana. My family was a pretty normal family there was only myself and my brother Santino.  I’m the youngest out of the two of us only by four years. Believe me Santino still thinks that I’m still that six year old little girl with pigtails. Sometimes it’s really annoying but I know he loves me it’s just that overprotective brother syndrome. Growing up in Covington was okay but all I wanted was to get out. I wanted to more out of life than to get married and have kids and be that little house wife. It was something I wanted once. But when you’ve been burnt by the one person you saw your whole life with. You’re prospective and goals all changed. It wasn’t about marriage and babies anymore it was about having a career. It was about making something of myself to have all the things I wanted in life. So once that jerk was out of my life I decided to focus on me.

I got into NYU where I focus on my fashion degree where I wanted to eventually I wanted to have my own fashion line. That kind of changed once I helped with the production of The Phantom Of the Opera NYU drama department yearly show. I wanted to focus more on costume design so I changed my course and focus on that. I like the idea of recreating custom from the past and how just one piece of clothing makes such a statement. Of course with the changes in my education my parents and Santino were not happy. I’d gone past caring what they thought these days I was tired of them dictating my life telling me what I should do. So I perused my goal I graduated with honours. Professor Waldrop saw a talent in me that he didn’t quite see in others in my class and helped in get on me social ladder of the TV/Film industry.

I started off in small productions unknown short movies but it help to gain my confidence in this kind of industry. I moved to Santa Monica California for 5 years where occasionally I would get the odd job in my passion and in the evening I would work behind a bar. Believe me I didn’t think it was going to be this hard to get a foot into the door of being a costume designer. I felt I had to do what I had to finally reach my goal. Of course with my family it’s was all great and life was totally amazing. That moving here was the best thing ever. That’s the way I sold it all to them I should of become an actress instead of working behind the scene of it all. The one issue I had was my brother Santino he was always insisting to come and visit me. I must of used a million and one excuses for him not to come here cause if he knew the truth he drag me back the Covington. Which was something I didn’t want. Actually I never wanted to go back but at times I had to for holidays and doing that brought back all the bad memories.  

My love life was none existence. Yeah I dated a few guys here and there but I wouldn’t get serious with anyone. I felt that relationships were a waste of time. Reason being when “Your First Love” breaks your heart gives you some pathetic excuse you kinda give up on hopes in love. Yeah well I had one of those douches. Love to me was a waste of time and I became resentful over the years where I didn’t see it number one priority. Especially when you see the face of your ex- boyfriend plastered all over the media with his happy ever after. I would see friends fall in love and get married and had kids. I was like maid of honour six times and godmother four times. Each and every time my friends and there partners where trying to hook me up with some guy who “sweet, nice, smart, caring”. Yeah well all too good to be true in my eyes. Some people see me as bitter well that there opinion. I’m just seeing that life more important than just falling in love and been given false hopes.

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