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If you made it this far

CONGRATULATIONS! Have a biscuit!

(If you know that fandom reference then I applaud you.)

I'm talking about school because I have school tomorrow and I feel like crying every time I think about it.

I'm a freshman and my Math class is filled with sophomores. It's not fun being known as:

"That smart freshman"

"The freshman"

Or my personal favorite "The smart girl"

I kid you not when I tell you the only person who knows my name is the teacher and a girl who knows me from middle school. How long have we been in school?


And it's even funnier when you think about it because I spout out all the right answers but no one knows who I am. (🎶And nobody gives a dam about me. <- look what Wheatus has done to me.)

If you know who Wheatus is good job.

But honestly school was good in Elementary school what happened?!

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