To my dear old friend...

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Dear old friend,

there is something I need you to know but I will never have the bravery to say. you are tearing me apart and I don't need that right now. you have betrayed the trust I placed on you and now you have failed. if complaining about me behind my back is all you can do the go away. I don't need someone like that in my life. yes everyone goes through things, some more than most. but that is no excuse to how you have been treating me. wake up ! realise that I don't want to be around you anymore. I'm distancing myself from you so that I don't get hurt in the process of you avoiding me. I've been through it once and I don't think I'll be able to handle it a second time through. I don't want to lose you but you are leaving me no choice. so don't be surprised when one day our friendly conversations become a distance memory, our inside jokes fade into nothing or when I refuse to look you in the eye and only nod when you smile at me. I'm putting this plain and simple. I'm done. I'm done with you taking my friendship for granted. I'm done with you making sly remarks to my face. I'm done with all your pathetic little antics. I'm done. I'm through. goodbye ...

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