4. Steve Rogers

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Hi again!
As you can see: It's a story with America's Ass, yay. The readers lost her/his parents and she/he only has her brother. Who is very protective about his sibling. What's gonna happen when Capsicle finds out that the reader and the playboy are in love?

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Steve's phone is vibrating, he answers it while walking away. After a minute he came back. "Suit up, we're going to Sokovia," Steve says. Steve walks to you, "Y/N, I need you to be careful okay? We only have each other, I don't want to lose you too," your brother says holding your hands.

You smile sadly at the thought of mom and dad. "I'll be careful, brother mine. And yet, we still have each other," you say smiling. He smiles and walks to his own room.

You walk to your own room, passing Tony's room. You see him slip off his shirt and damn those muscles. He looks at you and grins. You have red cheeks as you walk away. He succeeds, he has made you fallen for him. You don't know he has fallen for you.

You slip into your own suit. Tony has made it for you, he insisted that you had a suit made by him. It was, of course, made of iron. It is familiar to Peter's but yours is made of iron and you could shoot webs more often.

Ten minutes later, everyone is in the quinjet. On the opposite of you, is Mr. Stark. He looks at you and smiles, the only thing you do is blushing.

"Tony, Peter, and Bruce. Take the left side. Nat, Clint, and Bucky. You take the right side. Thor and Falcon, you'll be in the air. Y/N, you're with me," Steve says. You roll your eyes but you know Steve is right. You can't lose each other. He's a bit overprotective, we'll leave it there.

"We gather at the quinjet as soon as we are done." Steve says and everyone nod. "Let's go,"

The suit put automatically the mask over your head. You and Steve walk forward. "Be careful, sis," Steve says. "Always, brother. And you too," you say. You two split up in you area.

You are surrounded by five Hydra agents, all aiming their guns at you. "Carol, activate instant kill mode." you say. "Instant kill mode activated." Within a few seconds, all five agents were down. Although, you thought all five were down. One of them is moving slowly and aiming his gun at you.

Steve is fighting, not far away from you. He hears you activating instant kill mode. He knocks the last agent down by throwing his shield to him. The shield came back like a frisbee and he strapped it on his back.

A second later, he hears a gunshot.

Steve immediately looks to you. You make eye contact with your older brother. Your hands were on your stomach. You feel passing out, you are about to fall when someone catches you in his arms. You look at your older brother and smile a little. "Shit" you mumble.

"Guys, Y/N has been shot in the stomach, she has to go to the quinjet! Quick!" Steve says calmly.

"You stay very calm." you say with a small grin. You flinch in pain. He sadly smiles at you, "You don't wanna know how stressed I am." he says and tears were streaming down. "I'm gonna be alright Steve." you whisper. "I will not leave you."

Tony takes you to the quinjet, because flying hurt less than running. "Hold on, Y/N," Tony says and kisses your forehead. You are surprised by his action. "Don't die, please. I need you," he says before arriving at the quinjet.

"Bruce, we have to hurry up. Y/N lost much blood." Tony says. You were almost out of conscious, because of the blood loss. "I won't die, Tony, " you say.

Tony's heart skipped a beat when he saw you mouth words to him.

"I like you."

After the operation.

"She's a strong woman, Steve. She's gonna be alright," Doctor Cho says. "I know, it's just. She is the only one I have left," he says. "She's gonna make it Steve, you know how stubborn Y/N is to leave you behind," Tony says.

You hear both men talking. Your brother and the man you said you liked him. Both in the same room, concerned about you. That is for you the signal to wake up.
You slightly open your eyes. "Y/N!" both men say. "Doctor Cho!" Tony calls. "I told you, brother. I will not leave you," you smile but flinch. "Y/N, relax." Steve says worriedly.

You are about to sit straight but your brother pushes you back. "Steve..." you groan. You hear Tony chuckle. Steve didn't hear because he was chuckling too. "You need to rest, sis," he says. "I can do that while I'm sitting," you say stubbornly. Steve rolls his eyes, "You stubborn child," he groans. "Love you too, brother," you say chuckling.

"Love you too, but you have to rest!" he says. "I know Steve, but may I see the rest?" you ask. He smiles and nods. He leaves the room and Tony comes in.

"Hey, baby girl," he says. He pulls you in a tight hug. "Tony." you flinch. He let go of you immediately, "I'm so sorry, I didn't think it through. I am just so happy you're here and..-" you cut him off by pressing your lips against his.

"Steve is gonna be mad," Tony says. "Yes, he might be," a voice says behind you. You froze as you see Steve leaning against the doorframe. "Tony, a word in the hall, please," Steve says. Tony's face became white.

"Before you are gonna yell, she feels the same. She kissed me and she said I like you. And I wouldn't hurt her, I wouldn't break a hair," Tony says. You could hear a few words but that's it.

"I know you wouldn't hurt her, Tony. But she is the only one I have left. I don't want to see how broken she was, not when she is feeling better," Steve says. "What happened?" Tony asks. "Our parents died in an accident," Steve says.

Tony's eyes widen, "I'm sorry. I didn't know that. My condolence, man." Tony says and hugs him. "Thanks, Tony. And if you ever hurt her, then there's me," Steve says with a serious face. Tony swallows, "Yes, I'll protect her with my life," Tony says.

"Welcome to the Rogers," Steve says. "We're not there yet," Tony stutters.

"Oh, I think you will."

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