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"Leave me alone Dylan" I like him, but I don't want him to see me in this mess.

"Are you crying? what happened?" He reaches me, and presses his back against the wall sliding down to sit in the same position Im in with his knees bent close to his chest.

"Literally nothing I'm just a normal human being having a breakdown" which was true. I have no idea why I'm crying I guess I just lost it plus I regret coming to this party, and now I smell of whiskey.

"Look I didn't come here to babysit you I just wanted to see what was wrong. I'll call you a cab and you can go" He doesn't want to stay with me?

I thought he liked me.

He doesn't even know you, my subconscious pretty much smacks me in the face for thinking that he could possibly like me back.

I sigh out loud by accident.

"What is it?" Dylan asks full of concern.

"I just" should I ask him if he likes me? I want to, but I've only known him for two days now I don't wanna come of weird or something.

I'm distracted from my thoughts when he places his hand on my knee holding it still the skin where his hand now covers is hot.

What is happening to me?

I feel my heart sink when his thumb starts making circle patterns on my knee.

"Just tell me" He whispers but far too quiet I tear my eyes away from his hand, and find myself staring at his lips.

"I was. I mean I" I can't find the sentence as his face comes closer to mine I close my eyes and wait for the magic, but it doesn't come.

He's going to kiss me.

"Riley there you are!" Britney's voice pierces my ears.

Dylan removes his hand fast, and stands to his feet wiping the excess dirt from his black jeans.

"Riley we've been looking everywhere for you I have your drink and everything" Britney laughs completely oblivious that she might have interrupted something she's holding a red cup with what I assume is some sort of alcohol beverage for me.

"Right I'll see you later dork" Dylan gives me a sympathetic smile before walking towards Britney "see ya Brit" he says bye but she has other plans.

Britney wraps her skinny fingers around the collar of his leather jacket and smashes her lips on his I want to look away but I'm stuck staring as their lips fight each other, and for some reason I feel hurt when he wraps his fingers around her small waist pulling her thin body closer to him intensifying the kiss once she wraps her thin arms around his neck I force myself to look away. I feel like crying all over again as they continue.

What a douche.

I can't be mad at him their only kissing which they've probably done many times before, but I can't believe that we almost had a moment and now he's playing tongues with Britney.

"Riley we're going inside. coming?" Courtney asks me I look up and see Britney and Dylan are no longer there.

"Um no I'm alright I'm just gonna go home"

"Suit yourself" She shrugs before walking off.

I now sit lonely as the cold air smashes into my face while the party continues inside.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a notification from Toby sitting on my home screen.

"Hey I was wondering if tomorrow you wanted to grab a coffee?" It reads and I smile at his text.

I reply back asking him what he's doing right now, while I wait for his reply I rest my head on the concrete wall behind me closing my eyes and sucking up the cold air.

My phone vibrates and I see another text from Toby.

"Just studying"

I reply back asking him if he would be willing to pick me up I feel bad for asking, but I'm kinda desperate. He replies back with a simple what's the address I tell him, and now he's on his way.

Three songs pass before Toby arrives and saves me from hell.

His car was a white Ford Fusion the interior was a white leather and stunk with that new car smell.

I fill him in with all the events and details of the night leaving the part out about Dylan. Toby looked really nice in black sweatpants with his signature white shirt.

"You really need a different shirt" He tells me as we drive through the night.

"Yeah it will be fine I have more in my room. I didn't really like this shirt anyway" I lie I loved this shirt, but I don't want to complain about the past cause there's no point even if I did my shirt will still be stained with this brown liquid.

"You should like that shirt" Toby tells me his brown eyes still focused on the road ahead.

"Oh really and why is that?" I cross my arms and face him.

Turning away from the road for a split second to face me he says "cause you look beautiful" my eyes go wide and I turn away from him locking my eyes onto the road ahead I feel my face heat up thank god it's dark in here except for the small lights lighting up the dashboard.

"Thank you" I manage to say.

It's only a compliment I continue to tell myself. I don't like Toby in a romantic way but that one small sentence hit home.

"Don't panic I have a girlfriend. It was only a compliment" He tells me. Why is it that everyone can read my thoughts?

"You have a girlfriend? What did your girlfriend think when you asked me for coffee?" I question.

"I didn't ask you to coffee as a date I just thought we could get to know each other a little" He was right we could use a little bonding.

"Oh okay sorry I just assumed. Does your girlfriend know?"

"I've told her about you"

"Did she get jealous" I'm only curious.

He chuckles softly before continuing "she's not the jealous type. She has my heart and I know she knows that"

My heart melts to his loyalty I wish I could find a guy who talks about me like this behind my back.

"What's her name?" I ask.

"Amara" He seems proud to say her name.

"What does she look like?" I'm asking questions but what else are we gonna talk about.

"Let's see. She has a beautiful smile blonde hair. I guess she's just perfect in every way possible" a smile sits on his face while he talks about his girlfriend. I've never had a boyfriend who would talk about me this way actually I've never had a boyfriend before except for one in middle school where we were both to scared too hold hands in front of other people thinking about it now we actually never broke up.

We sat and talked about childhoods for the majority of the ride. He drops me off at campus, I apologise and thank him continually until he drives away.

Back In my room I shower and change into the same red and black  flannel pants paired with the grey shirt.

I fall asleep the second my face hits the pillow.

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