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The sun beams through the window behind my bed and burns my face as I awake from my slumber. I push the covers off of my small body and stretch with a loud unattractive grunt leaving my mouth.

"You're finally awake" Britney laughs as she sits on her bed reading a vouge magazine.

I give her a confused look "What time is it?"

"like eleven thirty"

"what!?" I fly out of bed and ignore the dizzy feeling that engulfs my body. "Why didn't you wake me?" I almost yell at her.

"Hey don't get angry at me you're the one that turned off your phone" Britney murmurs her voice layered with attitude.

"I have to go. Can you please make my bed while I'm gone" I ask polity knowing she won't actually do it. I grab my phone and car keys leaving the room before Britney can even reply.

I'm late. The plan was I would meet my mum half way to pick up Maddy, and louis at 10:30am, it's now almost twelve and I haven't even left campus. While I rush to my car I switch on my phone to be greeted with three missed calls from "Mother" a text message from Dylan, and Alex. Which I have no time to look at right now. The moment I reach my car I call my mum. After the third dial it answers, and instead of my mum screaming at me Louis answers.

"Hello" His voice sounded so different over the phone.

"Hi louis can you tell mum I'm stuck in traffic and I'll be late" I lie. I haven't even left campus.

instead of louis replying the sound of my mother yelling takes over the line.

"Don't bother Riley! I'm five minutes away from your stupid school, so be out the front of your dorms!" she's aggrieved, but before I even get the opportunity to respond the line drops, and the only thing I'm receiving now is the beeping noise the phone makes after someone hangs up.


I rip the key out of the ignition and climb out of the car sprinting back to my room. I open the door and Britney still hasn't moved from her spot the room is a mess and I'm still wearing pyjama's.

"Well that was quick" Britney finds amusement at my horrified state.

"Get dressed, and make your bed" without giving Britney any explanation she listens to me, and I put on a clean light pink floral sundress that sits above my knees. I leave my hair out and it looks beachy wavy from the messiness. I throw mine and Brits dirty clothes into the wardrobe along with every other unnecessary thing on the floor.

"Woah Riley calm down." Britney commands which ignore "Riley stop" she says louder and grabs my shoulders holding me still "tell me what's going on" her eyes search mine.

"My mother is coming, and she'll be here any second. I have to go" I release myself from her grip and run towards the dorm exit. Once outside the wind blows at my dress and I have to hold it up otherwise I'll be exposed. After a minute I notice my mothers white Kia pulling onto the dormitory car park. The car parks, and I suddenly feel nauseate. She is going to be angry.

Moments after the car had completely stilled the front door opens and my mother climbs out. Maddison opens the back door moments later, and louis emerges from the blind side of the vehicle. Even though my mothers expression is abnormal and her lips are tightened into a thin line a smile can't shy away from my face as I see Maddy and louis gushing towards me with huge smiles printed onto their adorable faces.

"Riley!" The two of them shout. Once they reach me they both latch their small bodies around my waist immersing me into a embrace. Once I'm released I kneel down to be on their level "I missed you guys" I reassure them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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