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It's the next day and I'm sitting in my room with Natalie telling her the truth. Britney is out, so it's just the two of us.

"So you got drunk, slept in the same bed as him and then blew off classes to be with him, but you still lied to me"

"I'm sorry, it's because he was lying and I thought if I helped him he would be impressed with me, but I guess not because once you left he seemed angry"

"Who cares" she scoffs " you don't lie to your friends like that" Natalie is right I shouldn't have lied to her. I'm such a bad liar anyways.

I haven't talked or seen Dylan since yesterday, but I'm giving him a little bit of space. Maybe we need it.

"I'm really sorry" it's true. I'm truly sorry for lying to her "I won't lie ever again. Promise" I hold out my pinky hoping she will except my apology and promise.

She latches her pinky around mine "promise"

"What are we doing today" I ask her

"Today's Tuesday" her smile widens.

"And?" I question.

"Your birthday is in 2 days!" She shouts earning a laugh from me.

"I've already told you I want to celebrate my birthday on the weekend because I have classes on Thursday"

She rolls her eyes at me "still doesn't mean we can't celebrate"

I laugh and stand from the floor holding my hand out to help her up "lets go"

We spend the rest of the day at class and enjoying each other's
company without boys. Thoughts of Dylan occasionally popped in and out of mind, but I'm making up for lost time with Natalie, so I push him aside.

I wake up the next morning and the first thing I check is my phone. Nothing. Dylan still hasn't texted me.

I sigh and climb out of bed. Britney sleeps like an angel you can't hear a noise come out of her until she breathes heavy, almost like a sigh in her sleep.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I remove my clothes and step into the warm water, the water wakes my body, so by the time I get out I feel fresh. I've never been the type of girl to tie her hair up with the towel, so I dry my hair properly then wrap the towel around me. I grab a pair of denim skinny jeans and a supreme grey shirt.

Britney is still asleep, so I grab my bag and close the door softy behind me.

I enter the corridor, and the second I close the door behind me I'm knocked to the floor.

The wooden floor numbs my behind "I'm so sorry" a deep voice I've never heard before says.

Looking up I see a boy around my age with dark brown hair styled into a overgrown fluffy crew cut. He's wearing a plain white shirt along with an undone green and black flannel, paired with some black jeans and white vans.

"It's okay" I reply helping myself off the floor.

"Here" his warm hands wraps around my elbow helping me steady myself.

"Thank you" I'm on my feet and fix my bag strap, so it's comfortable on my back.

"I'm Alex" He smiles sweetly at me.

"Riley" I smile back at him.

"Are you okay, I'm really sorry I was just in a rush" he questions.

"Yeah I'll be fine, it's okay" I smile at him.

"You're really pretty" The words slip from Alex's mouth "I mean you're- you are, but" he stutters

I laugh at him "thank you I appreciate it"

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