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By the time we arrive at Dylan's it's already ten PM, the moon sits high in the dark sky above the house surrounded by drunken teenagers. People flood the front yard leaving cheap red cups behind them.

"Riley were here" Britney takes me away from my thoughts.

I hadn't realised I was still sitting in the taxi, this will be my second party I have attended with Britney and I only hope she doesn't leave me like the first time.

I step out of the car and tug at the top of my dress trying to cover up my breast.

Once we enter the house music is booming, people are laughing and people are making out.

"Follow me" Britney grabs my hand and leads me past a bunch of boys who are holding beer cups.

We walk into a room that has tile floors I'm guessing it's the kitchen because there's a stainless steel sink filled with ice cubes and beer. Red plastic cups lay out on the granite counter.

"Here drink this" Britney hands me a red cup filled with a black liquid that smells of whisky.

"I don't drink" I tell her.

Instead of answering me she takes the cup and replaces it with another red cup "this one is only coke" she is being really nice to me tonight. Strange.

I press my nose against the top of the plastic cup and smell confirming it's only soft drink.

She continues leading me through out the house until we reach a sliding glass door, she opens it and we step outside. There are less people out here and when Britney closes the sliding door the music becomes much softer.

The boy I saw from earlier on today Dylan's roommate sits at a large rectangular glass table along with Courtney and Dylan.

"Hey guys" Britney pulls a cheap lawn chair from under the table and sits, I follow her and sit in a chair next to Dylan.

I can feel his eyes on me as I look at Britney, the small hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight feeling his presence.

"Riley I wasn't expecting you here" Courtney says.

I reply with a smile before placing my lips to the red cup Britney gave me, drinking the cold liquid.

"It's crazy, every girl around this table has slept with Dylan" Courtney says before leaning back in her chair crossing her arms revealing the smallest cleavage she has, I instantly choke on the coke after she finishes her sentence.

Courtney slept with Dylan? I mean with Britney it was kind of obvious, but I had know idea Courtney slept with him.

Im shocked, I haven't slept with Dylan what makes her think I have.

"How would you know if I slept with Dylan" I ask Courtney.

"He told me, Actually he told us how you threw yourself at him earlier today" her eyes switch back and forth between me and Dylan.


I'm humiliated. I haven't slept with Dylan and he told them I have, I need to play my cards right here.

The first thought that comes to my head is scream at him and run away, but I choose to act like I don't care maybe if I scare him with his own lies I could get something out of it.

"Interesting" I lean back my eyes find Dylan's, and he looks confused.

Maybe he's thinking about how I haven't said anything or called him out, well I hope he's thinking that.

After a moment of silence Dylan's roommate breaks in "let's play a game" I turn my head towards the muscular man "it's called never have I ever, so if I ask you a question and you have done it before you drink, if you haven't then you don't drink"

Everyone agrees, and I surprise myself when I agree to.

I'll only drink coke, but this sounds more fun then sitting around in an awkward silence.

"I'll go first" Britney butts in "never have I ever had a threesome" Everyone besides me drinks.

"You gotta shake that booty more Riley" Britney tells me while smiling "Adam you go"

Adam, Dylan's roommate's name is Adam.

"Never have I ever cheated on someone" everyone drinks again besides me.

"Never have I ever had phone sex" everyone drinks besides me again.

"Never have I ever had sex" Dylan steps in, the way he asked the question it felt directed at me. Once again everyone drank besides me.

"How did you fuck Dylan if you haven't had sex?" Courtney asks, she sounds curious.

"Oh" I quickly shake my head before drinking, I forgot that I'm lying to everyone, even myself about having intercourse with Dylan.

"You go" Courtney nods her head at me.

"Um never have I ever" I pause what's a good question "Never have I ever been in trouble by police" everybody drinks besides me and Britney.

"Boring" Adam calls out "Riley take a shot of vodka"

I eye him "that's not part of the game"

"Just do it everyone at this table is more messed up then you" He pours a clear liquid into a small shot glass and slides it to me.

"I don't want to" I tell the group which all reply with a laugh.

"Pussy!" Courtney calls out.

With take I grab the glass before tilting my head back and letting the clear liquid burn down my throat.

"Do another one!" Adam yells.

I drink three more shots as the small group chants me on.

"And another one" Adam sings.

"You don't have to Riley" Dylan whispers only loud enough for me to hear.

I turn my head toward him and smile "your cute" I say before downing another shot.

"Again" Adam's voice pounds my head.

"Leave it Adam. Let it hit her" Dylan says, he sounds angry.

My head feels heavy and it's becoming hard to keep straight, and when I lift my hands it feels light.

"More" I beg and lean towards the bottle, everything feels good and I need more.

"Leave it Riley" Dylan growls.

"Your not the boss of me" I say and just pick up the bottle of clear liquid that taste fowl, but feels good.

I tilt my head back and drink from the bottle.

Dylan's POV

What is she doing?

I stand and grab the vodka bottle from the innocent girl.

"Come with me" I grab her small hand and pull her away from the chair leading her inside as she stumbles behind me.

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