I fell in love with the vampire prince and I'm the best hunter in the town ch 4

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Jadey xx

Sapphire's POV

She couldn't move. She couldn't believe he had just kissed her. The vampire prince had kissed her. She couldn't stop the smile. Sapphire slowly started walking back to HQ. she knew she would have to forget about it but she couldn't. Before she got back she saw James walking around looking for her.

"Saff where have you been the head is looking for you" She looked at him

"I went looking for the son of a bitch but I couldn't find him he was long gone" she looked at her feet she was hopping to god that Danton would deal with the vampire and make sure that he was long gone.

"Saff he is pissed he found out about your mother" sapphire nearly dropped to her knees. The new head hated vampires and they all decided that no one would ever tell him that her mother had been looked after by vampires after she was abandoned in the woods and because she was gone know it would be her that suffered.

"who told him" She was seriously fucked. "I can't go in there I have no idea what he will do to me"James pulled her to his chest

"none off us will let him do anything to you it was years ago before your mother came into the hunter circle" she nodded her head and let James lead her back to HQ. as soon as she entered two of the heads personal hunters grabbed her. Sapphire tried to break out of there hold but even thought she was the best hunter she couldn't over power them. They dragged her into the main hall where all the other hunters stood watching the head. She heard everyone start up when they saw the way she was being brought in.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP" the room fell silent after the heads command. "Her mother broke one of the hunters biggest rule" sapphire knew she should keep quiet but she couldn't

"my mother was only a child and she wasn't even apart of the hunters till she married my father so she has not done anything wrong..." before she could finish the head walked over and slapped her so hard that she was knocked to the floor.

"stupid child she was a disgrace to all hunters as are you" she wanted to speak again but we knew she shouldn't "you will be punished for your mothers crime because she is no long with us to take it her self" sapphire watched as he walked over to the fire place and lifts out a metal bar she knew instantly what her punishment was.

"I am glad she is not her anymore as I am glad my father has gone as he would be heart broken to see what his brother has done to this organisation" she heard everyone gasp. It hadn't been common knowledge that my father had a brother as he had been a sick child so couldn't be taught how to hunt. He slapped her again and the pressed the end of the metal bar on her shoulder. Everyone one had to look away at her scream.

"take my stupid niece to the basement and leave her tied to the wall I will deal with her" she wanted to fight back but she was in to much pain. Sapphire was left tied to the wall for about half an hour before the head came down stairs. "my sweet little niece why did you have to fight back all I would have done was branded you, but now I must punish you more." she watched as he walked over to the other side of the room. She listened to him as unchained something. She looked up and saw him pulling a chain other to her"come on my friend I have something for you to eat" sapphire pulled against her chains trying to get away from the wall.

"please uncle stop this I promise I will behave" she never finished her sentence as the thing on the chain ran up to her and bite her hard. She screamed out in pain. After a few minutes the vampire was pulled off and dragged back to the other side of the room.

"now my sweet niece I have finished your punishment I am sorry it had to be this way but you needed to be taught a lesson" she listened to what he said but everything started to go black.

Danton's POV

After he had order one of his guards to take the rouge vampire to his father he had continued his walk in the woods. He had been walking for nearly an hour when he saw 2vampire hunters dump something in the woods. There had been several reports that hunters had been dumping body's but no one had confirmed it. Danton waited until they'd ad left and walked over to the human to see if it was still alive. When he got there he froze at what he saw.

Next part up soon

Tell me what you think


Jadey xx

I fell in love with the prince of vampire and I'm the best hunter in the townWhere stories live. Discover now