I fell in love with the prince of vampire and I'm the best hunter in the town

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I fell in love with the prince of vampire and I'm the best hunter in the town 

This is my first story

please tell me what

you think




Why do people have to be do as there parents say. Growing up Sapphire was taught to hate vampires and to hunt and kill them. She was never told that some of the vampires where different to others. The reason she was so compliment to the teaching unlike her mother was because when she was 5 years old she was staying up later than normal as her father was out with some of the other hunters hunting and her mum was telling Sapphire a story of this Vampire royal family she meet when she was a little girl. Who had taken her and her mother in when they had been left out in a forest by her father and they looked after them and then took them back home. When someone started banging on the door. Sapphire's mum ran to the door to see who I was but as soon as she saw it was a vampire she ran sapphire to the down stairs closet and told her to stay there till she came back to get her. Sapphire did as she was told at sat in the closet, after a while she was starting to worry about her mother so she opened the door ever so slightly just as the vampire bite into her mothers neck and her farther running she sat there looking throw the small hole she had made but opening the door watching her father fighting the vampire. Sapphire couldn't look away from it even when the vampire bite into her fathers neck. She starred at the sight before her. When a hunter ran in and saw what was going on he killed the vampire with one swing of his sword. He called out Sapphire's name but she was still in shock from what she had just seen so he didn't answer. He started looking around still calling her name he started to walk past the downstairs cupboard when he noticed it was open slightly he pulled the rest of the door open and saw Sapphire starring at her parents dead bodies. He picked her up and walked her back to the hunters head quarters.

She was now 17 and she had been hunting and killing vampires ever since she was 10. She was the youngest hunter but she didn't care all she thought about was killing vampires. She had not long got back from a 3 day hunt when she noticed that the hunter that had saved her that day hadn't been in contact with her in 3 days as he was normal calling her every day to find out if she was ok. She walked into the hall where most of the hunters worked to find vampires which she would normal end up hunting and as soon as she did everyone went silent.

“What's with all the silence” Sapphire yelled at everyone she hated when they did that as it means there is bad news to come “ I said what is with the silence you know I hate it” She yelled when no one answered. This time the head of the hunters walked foreword to Sapphire.

“Sapphire please come with me I need to tell you something”

“NO tell me here” she yelled at him.

“Sapphire Johnny was found dead in the forest this morning” Sapphire ran from the room not wanting anyone to see her crying. Some of the hunters followed her to the weapons room where she picked up 2 long blade swords which she placed in a holder she had placed on her back and 2 shorter blade swords in the holders on her hips.

“Saff going on a hunt isn't a good idea when your in this state” James said as he stood behind Sapphire. James had been like a brother to her as he was johnny son. “I've lost my dad and I know he was like a dad to you I don't understand the bond you and he had but I know he wouldn't want you to go out hunting at this moment in time”

“James I need to find the bastard that killed him and kill him” Sapphire was about to leave but James caught her arm. “James he kill the bastard that kill my parents in front of me its the least I can do is kill the one that killed him” Sapphire could feel the tears and she spoke. James let go of her when he hear that it was his father that had found her in the cupboard. Sapphire ran from the HQ and into the forest and she didn't stop tills he found the place he had been killed as the tree he was found by had been marked with his family crescent. She searched the area for any sign of the vampire that had killed johnny. It seemed like hours when she finally found something and started on its trail.


The prince had been stuck in his palace for days trying to fix problems from all over his land. He had finally finished that morning so he decided that he and 2 of his best guards would go for a walk in the forest next to his palace. He had to take his guards as he never know how he would run into. As rouge vampires and hunters walk the forest. As he was walking he spotted a girl with her slick black hair tied up into a tight ponytail. When she turned around he saw her eyes where like Sapphire's. His body heart ached to know her name.......  

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