I fell in love with the prince of vampire and I'm the best hunter in the townch5

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Next part tell me what you think




Jadey xxx

Danton's POV

Sapphire was laying on the floor. The hunters had done something to her. He bent down to pick her up. As he did her hair fell of his neck to reveal a set of bite marks. They must have a vampire that they use to punish hunters. But they didn't have control over it as they kept killing hunters. He quickly ran back to his palace. He didn't know what to do as she has lost so much blood. As soon as he had entered the palace he was surrounded but servants. Danton managed to push past them and ran to his room and laid sapphire on his bed. Just as he did the king walked in.

"Danton what in the world are you doing son" Danton moved away from his bed so his father could see sapphire

"she was bitten and was left alive in the woods" he knew his father recognised her as a hunter.

"son shes a hunter why would you bring her to the palace where a good few hundred vampires live" Danton sat next to sapphire and moved her hair to show the bite mark again.

"father if the stories about her are true she only kills rouge vampires" he looked away her and at his father "when I spoke with her earlier she said something that confused me" he looked back at sapphire

"what was that my son"

"prince Danton like in the story my mother once told me" he looked back at his father."the only person I know who new our real names was that little girl and her mother we found I'm the forest years ago" Danton know his father would remember who he was talking about as she had been so young when her father had abandoned her and her mother in the forest.

"I remember her she had been so sweet and your mother had loved her dearly I keep in contact with her mother after she left" the king walked over to the bed and looked at sapphire "go get the healer I'll watch over her" Danton stood up and left the room as fast as he could. It didn't take him long to find the healer. As they walk back to his room Danton tells the healer what he thinks might have happened. When they got there the king was still stood by the bed watching sapphire she looked paler than when he left. "you need to hurry she has lost a lot of blood" Danton really didn't know what to do he had never felt this helpless in his whole life. He watched at the healer got to work. They didn't know what was going to happen to sapphire as not many humans live throw a vampire practically draining them but she had thanks to Danton. When the healer was finished she turned to the king.

"you highness have you got something I can change her into as her clothes are coved on blood and not every vampire in the palace is as well trained as you and the prince and princess" she bowed her head after she was finished. Danton hated the way they acted like they where below everyone. That was his grandfathers fault he always treated the works like crap and even though he was gone now and his father and the rest of the family are kind to them it didn't stop them.

"I'll go and get one of Maria's dresses" Danton looked up at his father. He hadn't spoken about there older sister since she was killed by a hunter 8 years ago when she tried to help a girl who was lost in the wood and being held down by a rouge vampire. He watched his father walk out. Danton knew his sister was a taboo subject so he was shocked when had said about her.

"my prince while I was cleaning up her neck I spotted something on her shoulder blade" Danton looked at the healer confused he hadn't noticed anything when he picked her up

"Why didn't I see it when I found her and brought her here" Danton walked over the sapphire.

"it was hidden under blood and her top my prince when I clean off the blood I saw the top of it and moved her top down to see it" she pulled the top down so he could see it. Sapphire had been branded a traitor by the hunters. Danton swore under his breathe had someone seen her talking to him or let the other vampire go. Danton was fuming when his father walked back into the room. The king could tell his son was mad but didn't understand why. He handed the dress the the healer and took his sons arm and lead him out of the room and down the hall to his office.

"what has annoyed you son to make you this angry" Danton looked at his father.

"those bastards at the hunters branded her a traitor and I think it is my fault"Danton looked at the fire place. "earlier today I found her in the forest she was sat on the ground crying after a friend of hers was killed. It was after she left that I realised she was on the hunt and she was so heart broken i had to stop her so I ran after her. When I found her she was about to kill the vampire but he spotted me and dropped causing her to stop. She asked what was going on and one of my guards attacked her but she thought him off like it was nothing. Then after that we spoke of a while and she left but before she did she said no one had a choice to be hunters anymore and that if anyone found out she had let the vampire live or she would be punished and then she turned to me and said I should forget her as if anyone found out she would be marked a trailer or worse killed for it" Danton looked back at his father "that's what they did but they didn't succeed in killing her father what is she going to do"

"I dont know son but we can't let her be killed because she had some companion for vampires" Danton was about to ask his father a question when there was a knock at the door "enter" he nearly laughed at his father

"she has woken up your highnesses"

Tell me what you think please



Jadey xx

I fell in love with the prince of vampire and I'm the best hunter in the townWhere stories live. Discover now