019 | lost time

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Y / N ' S P O V

____1 : 3 0  a m7 / 1 7 / 1 9

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1 : 3 0 a m
7 / 1 7 / 1 9

i look at my mother hooked up to wires of the machines that i don't know the purpose for. i stare longingly until Jennifer opens her eyes which caught me off guard as she stares back into my eyes. her face kind of looks like that she was surprised to see me here, and in a way i am too.

"what are you doing here?" jennifer says. her tone doesn't sound stern at all, she tries to be stern but underneath it sounds like that she was happy to see me.

"im here because Kate told me what happened" i lied easily, i didnt want her to think that i came here because i didnt want to, i mean i didn't but im not gonna make things worse.

"its been 2 years since i last saw you, have you changed since then?" jennifer replies still looking at me dead in the eyes. what is she implying?

"im fine, im in a relationship" i sternly said, but realization came and my eyes went wide open when i realized that finn still exists and hes probably worried about me. Jennifer notices my reaction and watches as i pull out my phone to check on finn.

no new messages

the sentence glowed in front of my face and i felt a stab in my chest that i noticed that finn hasn't texted me since he came back. he said nothing and it pains me realizing that im slowly slipping out of his life, we havent talked in two weeks. whenever i text him he dry texts me and it just makes me so clingy. it makes me think of what i did wrong for him to react like this. a lot of things could have happened in those two weeks and yet no word from him at all. i hide my pained emotion and put my phone back in pocket and look at Jennifer. "something important you need to do?" she says.

"no- nothing new" i lie. theres so many things i need to do but it feels like in the end there wouldn't have been any difference. a million questions about finn and i's relationships run through my head so i tell my mom im going to the bathroom. i quickly get out of the room not paying attention to anything as my breathing gets heavier and my chest tightens as i think more and more about the future.

what will happen to finn and i?

will my mom be in my future?

why do i feel bad for my piece of shit of a mother?

i get out of the room and go straight to the elevator. i press the down button and an elevator door opens and i enter. i go to click the G button indicating ground floor but i notice my hands shaking uncontrollably.

i get out of the elevator and go out through the exit doors and a gush of wind smashes my face as i take deep breaths to control my breathing. i close my eyes and try to do a breathing technique but my minds keeps thinking of the future and what will happen next. i feel a hand on my shoulder which startled me and i open my eyes to see a nurse coming to check on me. she asks if im okay and asks why im crying. i touch my cheeks only to feel the tears streaming down my face, i then realized that i was crying the entire time.

i nod that im fine but the nurse doesn't believe me and brings me to bench to sit down. she rubs my back, trying to calm me down, but i just keep crying.

i feel my heart beat so fast and it just makes me cry harder. the nurse notices this and puts my head on her shoulder says, "shhhh calm down doll don't worry im right here im not going anywhere, okay? just breathe for me" her comfort was something i have never felt or experienced before and it helped me to calm down.

i slowly stop crying and the nurse gives me a tissue. i thank her for it and notice her name tag.

i say to her, "thank you so much for being with me" she hugs my shoulders tighter as a sign of comfort. "of course baby i have a kid with a lot of anxiety so i know what you're going through" she said calmly as we both looked in front of us and took a deep breathe of the cold air.

Nurse Uzoko starts, "i may not know everything that's happening but i do know that you deserve better than whatever caused you to cry this hard. you are a beautiful girl and i hope you know that. i hope you know that whatever is coming your way has a purpose and that its not to kick you down, but to make you stronger." her words brought comfort to me, like somehow that speech was exactly what i needed.

i tear up a little, "thank you so much i-i cannot thank you enough for being so kind to a stranger crying her eyes out" i giggle a little, and soon i take a deep breath

she replies, "you're welcome, by the way you remind me a lot of my sister, she had the most beautiful smile and i see that in you. i was always there for her for anything and everything too. she was too good for this world" she still rubs my shoulders to console me

what she said shocked me and got me a little confused, "oh has she passed?" i ask looking at Uzoko and seeing her eyes. eyes full of sadness but peace and contentment.

"sadly yes, but you see she was my whole life, she was my little sister, i took care of her when no one else would. yes there were times that i got tired of her, i mean who wouldn't be annoyed by their sister.." i laugh at her statement as i could relate with Kate. she continues, "but she was this little ray of sunshine, and seeing her would make my day. if i had the chance to do it all over again i would. just to see her beautiful smile." she smiles, tearing up a bit and i do too. their bond reminds me a lot of my sister and I's relationship, and im glad to have that with her.

we sit in silence for a few more minutes but not out of awkwardness or boredom, but because it felt right to just have someone their beside you as we reminisced.

after a few moments she stands up and gives out her arm, i look at it confused but she finally speaks out, "come on doll, we have to face our demons. metaphorically and physically if you know what i mean" i laugh at her joke and i take her hand. i stand up and she holds my hand up to hospital until we reached the receptionist and finally went our own ways.

omg its been so long since i updated, ive lost motivation to do finish this since ive rarely read any wattpad and didnt have inspo. but i suddenly got the urge to finish this chapter. im thinking of maybe adding on a little voting thing like if we reach a certain amount ill post lmao idk yet.
so don't forget to vote doe!!

not proofread

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