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Silver Siren

I walk into the bar wearing an all russian-red Dior suit without a shirt underneath, with silver chains and layers of necklaces laying on my bare chest. I sold all of Queen's jewelry and went on a shopping spree with what a million dollars can buy me. I brush my blonde hair behind my ears and spot my buyer, Dante, sitting in the table with his guards sitting around him.

The congressman walks behind me and grabs on to my ass and I turn towards him caressing his arm. We pass the bar and he takes a seat there, ordering some drinks and watching the news. I pat his back leaving him there and walks towards the table of my buyer.

"You brought a date?" He gets irritated as usually people don't but I'm not like other people on this Earth.

"I like to have someone open doors for me." I say pulling out a small envelope with some of Queen's fingerprints. "Right hand." I advise him and he pulls it out of the small envelope looking at some of the fingerprints. I look around counting the guards around me and give a charming smile to them.

"Very nice." Dante says impressed, putting the fingerprints back into the envelope and tucking it away in his suit.

"Not so fast handsome." I say as he hasn't given me what I wanted and I want to go home, back to my Earth as soon as I can. "You got something for me?"

"Ah yes." He says and looks at one of his guards as they lock the doors of the bar. They picked the wrong person to kill. I smile and sigh, licking my lips.

"I don't know what you're planning to do with Mr.Queen's fingerprints, but I'm guessing you'll need his thumb." I say as I knew something like this would be pulled on me. I make him look stupid and he realizes his mistake. "You don't count so good, huh?"

"I count just fine. Actually, in fact I'm counting down from 10 right now." He says and one of his men aims a gun towards my head, clicking it. He looks at me and I look at him pretending to be innocent.

"Ok." I say pulling out a phone from my pocket as I got one of my friends that I met at a rave to hold it for me. His guard takes away my phone and holds it in his hand and I get frustrated. "My friend's outside, just hit send." I tell his guard and he does so, and as soon as he does, my friend knocks on the door wanting to go in. They unlock the doors for him and he walks in confused at the scene as I've made an entire lie that I'm an accountant.

"This place is a little dead" He says walking in flamboyantly and hands me the envelope like I asked him to. I take the envelope from him being kind to him and then having no more use for him.

"It'll liven up in a minute... trust me." I say as my plan is going as planned and I should be getting my ticket back home. I hand Dante the thumbprint and he takes it.

"Is everything alright?" My friend asks and I begin to get annoyed at his presence here.

"Great! Catch you later." I neglect him and he takes the hint walking away and leaving the bar. Dante looks at the thumbprint and doesn't look so impressed with my games, and I'm not a big fan of him either.

"It would've been a lot easier to just give me what we agreed on." I tell him as he's going to have a consequence from this.

"We can't have loose ends." He tells me like I'm going to die, getting rid of me like a pest. Earth-1 doesn't know the legend, the myth of the Black Wolves and if they did, they should fear me. "And even in that red suit, no one is going to miss you." Dante pulls out his own gun and aims it at me, and I stare at the congressman.

"No, but my friend over there." I stare directly at him sitting on the bar stool, eating on nachos and taking an alcoholic beverage with an umbrella on it. As he sits there, the news channel updates on the status of the congressman's disappearance with his photo on the TV screen. "The entire city is missing him." I continue playing my games with Dante as he's not going to give me what I want, and worked for.

"Yeah, but they're not going to be looking in a place like this." Dante says not believing in anything that I'm saying and underestimating me because I look like Drake Lance. I begin getting comfortable in the table and lean towards him to make him look stupid.

"I don't know... You did just use his cellphone." I tell him confused as he had no realization and he turns pale as I give him a small smirk. He looks at the phone and then we both hear several cars dash around the building. The police and SWAT will be here anytime soon, and my backup plan has gone right.

I hear his guard aim his gun at me again, and I quickly push my chair back, get up and grab on to that guard. I kick his guard down, and Dante stands up trying to get a shot at me and I grab on to his arm, disarming him from his gun, twisting his arm breaking it, and slam him against the table. His guards begin to swarm around, and I get on Dante jumping over the table, and getting low on the floor as he's knocked out. I take shots from Dante's gun using his hand, and shoot at some of the guards and as I do, I hear the SWAT slam open the doors.

"Police get down now!" I quickly throw Dante's body off me and hide behind the table and begin screaming in panic. His guards begin to fight the police and the police shoot them down.

"AGH! Please help me! Oh my god please help me!" I scream in panic grabbing on to the pant leg of a police officer walk by. The police walk past me ignoring me as they're more concerned with clearing out the bar and grabbing on to the congressman. As they all past me, I stop faking a panic attack and get up as I'm in the clear. I walk out of the bar not hurt but without my ticket back home and I don't like to be fooled around like this.

As I walk out a spot cop walking up the stairs and pretend to fake an injury. "Hey you okay Mr.Lance!?" The cop says as he recognizes me as him, and treats me with privilege. "What's going on?" He asks trying to ask me to update him on the situation and I pretend to be Drake for a minute.

"Help him! He's bleeding!" I tell him, as Drake Lance basically has more power over the police, as he's publicly recognized as The Black Canary. The cop nods leaving me alone, and running inside taking my command immediately and I walk out into the alley disappearing into the smoke.

Black Canary (2) • boyxboy | ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now