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Andrew Palmer

"Deathstroke says that Black Canary and Oliver Queen interfered but the task was accomplished." Dante says as I stand in the living room watching the news footage of Black Canary taking down the men in the motorcycles.

"What about the men they arrested?" I ask as they could pose a threat and be a lead to me.

"He said and I quote: They would die before talking." Dante says and I chuckle in my head as Deathstroke is one of a kind. There is no better business partner than him.

"Where does he find these guys?" I ask rhetorically and walk towards another room. "Hey, can we get some people in here? I want a party!" I walk into the room opening the door but as I do I'm greeted by a man wearing a red suit with no undershirt and platinum blonde hair. He grabs on to me and throws me to the ground and I watch him walk towards me as I begin to realize who he is.

"Careful for what you wish for." He says and I quickly get back up going to attack him but he moves fast. He punches me in the rib and then kicks me against the wall. I quickly take a gun out of my waist but he disarms me quickly and takes out a blade pressing it against my wrist and choking me against the wall.

"What you're amazed by my song? You haven't heard me sing yet." Silver Siren, the Drake Lance twin chokes me out looking at me with a small smile. Dante failed to kill him the other night, and I thought he would've been smart like his Russian counterparts and leave Star City.

Silver Siren

"You're a dumb ass." Andrew tells me and I tilt my head giving him a sad face.

"No one ever accused me of being dumb." I tell him mocking him still and he struggles as I tighten my hold around his neck.

"You're dumb for coming here." He says continuing to mock me and I press the knife against his wrist getting deep into his skin. A little deeper and I'll pop a vein.

"I want what you owe me." I say as he promised it to me. I want my ticket back home, the teleporter. I then hear a gun click behind my head and I sigh being disappointed that these American men on Earth-1 are still as naive as can be. I won't stop until I get it, and they will never understand that.

"Want doesn't get." Andrew says and I turn my head, looking behind my shoulder to see Dante aiming the gun at my head.

"Nice outfit. Do those pants make it tough to move?" He says mocking the tightness of my pants around my thigh. I slowly let go of Andrew and then kick Dante in the knee as he's weak.

"I don't know. Do they?" I ask as I whip out my own gun and aim it at Andrew's head to threaten his life for what I want. If not, torture will have to do. "So where is it?"

"Where's what?" He pretends not to know and I'm getting impatient.

"The teleporter. My ticket to Earth-2." I say angrily grinding my teeth together.

"The ultimate escape for a master spy like you." Andrew says buying himself some time and it works. The doors to this room slam open and I quickly grab on to Andrew and put the gun towards his head.

"Hold it right there!" I hear his bodyguard shout and I hold Andrew tight as he struggles a little. I look for ways of escape and I figure one out.

"SCREEE." I screech a small blast towards the windows and it shatters for me. I throw myself and Andrew through the window and we both fall down together a couple stories until we land on a platform for the window cleaners. I catch my fall while Andrew body slams on the platform. I lower the platform on to a rooftop and then throw Andrew on the ground.

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