Chapter 3

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Flutter heard a violent bark in the distance. Alerted, she got up and prodded her mother. "Mommy, mommy, I heard a scary bark!" Flutter yelped. Of coarse Mother glared at her. "It was probably a nightmare, go back to sleep." she growled. Flutter frowned. "But I did hear something, I swear! I was awake!" Mother grunted. "It might of been you imagi-" she was cut off with a closer, bark. Her eyes widen. "Its time." she whimpered. Scared, Flutter whimpered too. "Time for what?" Suddenly the loud vicious barks started to surround them. Farmer Frank came out with a loud-bark in his hand. He hollered out something, making the loud-bark howl. A swift, skinny wolf male with a scar over his eyes was looking for something in particular. "Where are the dog-wolves?" he snarled, repeating his question. Mother instantly grabbed Flutter and Moon and ran at full speed. When they reached the forest, Flutter started getting scared. A black shape came from the trees, and Flutter realized this is the wolf who she encountered last time she was here. The wolf narrowed his eyes. "I'll take them from here, Betsy." the male growled. Mother dipped her head. "Thank you, Storm. Take care of our pups. . ." she whispered, before putting her pups down and dashing fast away, to the Farm. "MOTHER, MOTHER!!!" Flutter barked, trying to run after her, but Storm grabbed her by the scruff. "No! Put me down!" she snarled, trying to whip around and nip at him. "You never told me you were my dad!" Storm ignored her and headed towards the forest. After Flutter calmed down, he put her down. Flutter whimpered, along with Moon, who was following Flutter, not wanting to leave her behind. They were far away from the Farm and deep in the forest, so Flutter was unable to run away; she would just get lost. "Roll in this puddle," Storm growled. "It will disguise your scent." Flutter and Moon obediently rolled in the puddle, their coats caked with mud and water. Storm led the pups up a hill and then through some thorn bushes. They gaped in astonishment when they saw a huge camp, dogs everywhere. A dark grey brute padded towards them. "Welcome back, Storm. . ." he stopped talking when he saw two pups beside Storm. His crystal blue eyes narrowed. "Who are these pups? Where did you-" Storm cut him off. "It doesn't matter, Bush, these pups are our new pack members! Show some respect!" Storm snapped harshly. Storm padded towards a big, sun-bathed cave, beckoning Flutter and Moon to follow. This is horrible. Flutter thought miserably. Mother has gave them to Storm, who happened to be their father. When they reached the den, Flutter gaped. It looked as big as the shed. She remembered when Moon and her played with the kittens in the shed, but that might never happen again. Storm turned around, sitting down. "Get comfortable, because I have a lot to explain to you two."

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