Chapter 4

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Flutter and Moon were currently laying down, prepared to listen to Storm at their mercy. Flutter frowned. I have to know what he has to say.. Moon was narrowing her ocean blue eyes that resembled her father. Storm took a deep breath. "Long before you were born, I was another member of this pack. I was the Beta of Markiso, the alpha of The Pack of Mist. One time when I patrolled outside the forest, I found. . . you're mother," Flutter saw Moon gape as he continued. "In order to be loyal, I had to chase her off. But instead. . . I gave her a gentle warning to go back to where she lives." Flutter frowned. That was a weakness. Storm closed his eyes. "After that encounter, I visited the Farm every night. When I went there, I always called to her silently, and after that, we always met at the Sparkling Pool. . ." Flutter remembered the pond Moon and her used to play at. But that's over. . . Flutter perked her ears again. "We started meeting in the mornings too! I insisted on hunting when I went to meet her. Markiso was always suspicious of me, but he didn't question anything. One day, I decided to go to you're mother myself. The moment I nuzzled her, your're no-skin came out, with a barking stick. He aimed at me and. . . out of nowhere, Markiso jumped out of a bush and pushed me, and he got shot. . . " Flutter's eyes widened in sorrow. "After that, I grabbed his body and ran. When I came home, he was dead. . . I-I was devestated. . ." Storm opened his eyes. "From then on I am the Alpha, with Bush as my Beta, and Mika as my Betass." He frowned at the sky outside of the den. "You can go out again, meet the pups." he growled and the pups ran out. Flutter felt slight pity for the wolf she had to call Dad. Well its his fault that he is in this mess. Flutter thought, heading towards the nursery.

When they came in, Flutter saw Moon already playing with some pups. A large female dog with neat white spots was looking at her with realistic dark brown eyes cheerfully. "Hello dear, you must be one of the new members!" she barked. Flutter grinned. "Yeah, you're pack is very big." she replied back. The female's eyes were shining. "You should go meet some of the pups, like Moon is doing." Flutter nodded and began to pad towards them, but stopped at the female's call. "Whats you're name, pup?" Flutter craned her small fluffy head. "My name is Flutter." the pup replied. "I am Summer." the female yipped back. Flutter headed towards the pups again, leaving Summer to lay on her orange-white paws. When she came over, the other pups looked at her curiously. Some of them were sleeping. Moon's eyes turned towards Flutter. "Hey! I've made friends!" Moon barked nodding her head at two pups. Both of them were males, and had similar faces. They are probably brothers. Flutter thought. One of them was a big light grey pup with even lighter grey markings and underbelly and blue eyes. Another had a pale creamy pelt with orange eyes. Flutter felt a tingly feeling when she looked at him but shook it away. "This is Stream," Moon nodded to the grey pup. "this is Brock." She nodded to the creamy pup. Flutter realized that they were slightly bigger than she was, but that didn't stop her. She saw Stream gazing at her, but it was unknown to Flutter about the feeling. Brock yipped. "Hey we should show you two around! I'll take Flutter, and Stream you take Moon." The pups nodded, but Flutter thought she saw a slight hint of jealousy in Stream's eye. She ignored her thoughts when she heard Brock call a "Come on!"

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