Chapter 6

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Flutter woke up, flickering her eyes open. She remembered the grand tour Brock did for her. The cream-colored male was currently curled up next to her, breathing slowly and quietly. Flutter craned her head towards Stream, Moon, and Spot. The pups were currently brushing each other. Moon was already a popular pup, making her sister a bit jealous. Flutter got to her paws, stretching. Brock's orange eyes brushed open when he found Flutter rising up, causing his head to sit up. He glared at her. "It's so early in the morning! What are you doing up?!" he hissed, ears flattening. Flutter was taken aback from his anger. "I guess I'm not tired anymore." she replied, shaking her coat. Brock grumbled, and got to his paws. "What do ya wanna do?" he murmured, flexing his paws, and also shaking his pelt, shedding a few hairs. Flutter's tail started thumping. "Lets hunt!" she barks, blue eyes bright. The large male shifted his paws uneasily, but a hint of mischief gleamed in his eyes. "Um. . . I don't know, maybe we should go out and do that!" he barked, getting in a playing pose. "Should we wake up everyone?" Flutter asked. "Sure." he responded, padding towards his brother. Flutter followed behind, going towards Moon. "Wake up we are going to explore and hunt!" she whispered, shaking her. She grumbled, poking out an ocean-blue eye. "Do we have to?" she growled, narrowing it. "Well, if you want to have fun!" she snapped. "Ugh, fine." she got to her paws, yawning and stretching. By this time, Brock woke up Stream, Spot, and the rest of the pups. "Well, lets go!" grunted Killer, a black pup with blaze splotches similar to Moon's. All the pups nodded, and headed out, quietly sneaking past Summer, who was snoring her head off.

They brushed past the brambles and thorns. Fluffy began running past, and ended up tumbling down the hill next to the entrance of the camp. Flutter laughed, only to tumble as well when Brock nudged her foward. The rest of the pups joined in, laughing. When Flutter makes it down, she staggers to her paws, dizzy. Brock knocks into her, making them fall again. She feels that tingly feeling when he falls on her, but shakes him off when getting up. "So. . . now what?" Silver asks, her light grey and white coat rippling, crystal blue eyes narrowed. "We explore!" Flutter barks, running ahead. Stream follows behind, tongue lolling happily.

When they arrive at the forest, she stares in awe. She again remembers the blossoms and lovely trees surrounding the pups. She once again remembers Storm's threat; And don't come back or you'll have death coming at you. Flutter shuddered, but yet, she was now a member of the Pack of Mist; no more death threats from Storm. Sarah began sniffing at the ground for traces of prey; she was the daughter of the Delta and Deltass, also known as Flame and Lily. Jaden followed after his sister. Flutter nodded her head in a different direction. "Hey, Brock, this way!" she whispered, and he followed after her. Flutter felt someone stare at them, it might be Stream. What's in his pelt? Flutter wondered, but shook the thought away.

After a small while, Brock stiffens, his hackles rising. "Do you smell that?" he growls, teeth beginning to bare. Flutter inhaled the air that seems to make Brock uncomfortable. She stiffened, starting to growl in fear. A bear and a fox scent together! Flutter whined to herself. But it smelled a bit different, they weren't just a fox and bear but- Flutter looked in shock; they were cubs! They seemed to catch their scent, and the bear cub rised to his hind legs, letting out a weak roar. "Back off, flea-bags!" the cub roared, raking his claws in mid-air. Flutter studied the bear and fox; the bear cub had a dark grey, almost black pelt, with a creamy muzzle with a large, muscular frame and berry brown large eyes, and the fox kit had a bright orange pelt, with a lighter under-belly. Her paws were had a dark grey coating like a regular fox with a stripe on her muzzle like one too. She she also beared one black dot on the side of both green eyes. She was growling defensively at them, her fluffy pelt bristling. Brock and Flutter snarled and lunged. Flutter grabbed hold of the fox kit, easily wrestling her to the ground. The bear cub turned to lunge at her, but Brock instead attacked him, and they rolled on the ground. The creamy pup was biting on his shoulder while the bear cub was clawing his flank. Snarling, the bear cub stabbed one of its claws in Brock's right ear, leaving a gap in it. Brock whined and backed off. Furious, Flutter pushed the fox kit away, and lunged at the bear, but he was ready, dodging her and knocking her off balance, sending her tumbling. She rolled to her paws, growling. "Bring it!" she taunted, digging her claws in the earth's surface. Howling with rage, the cub leaped at her, but Flutter dodged like he did, only to dodge again, at the point where she was in view of his back. Teeth barred, she darted at his tail, grabbing it in between her jaws and biting on it. Roaring, he whipped around, only to fall as he had no balance without the support of his tail. Letting it go, she jumped on his back, digging her claws in his back. Brock and the fox kit were watching in astonishment as she beat him. "Okay, okay! I give in, let me go!" he wailed. Eyes narrowed, Flutter backed off, watching as he stumbled to his paws. He panted, brown eyes looking dizzy. "Sorry we attacked," he breathed. "forgive us?" The bear cub looked at Flutter hopefully, completely ignoring Brock. "Sure!" she yipped in delight, nudging him. "I'm Flutter, this is my friend, Brock." she nodded to the creamy pup. He had a gap in his right ear. Brock beared his teeth at the bear, and cub glared back, looking at Flutter. "Names Coby, and she's Thorn." he replies, nodding at the fox cub. Thorn staggered towards Coby, leaning on him. "Hi." she whispered, looking at her paws. "Hello." Flutter responded, only alarmed by the other pups coming. "You better go." she barked, nudging her new friends away. "But-" Coby protested. "NOW!" she hissed, and they ran, just in time when the other pups came, Moon and Stream in lead. They carried a few voles and even a rabbit. "What happened?" Moon barked, worried, dropping her vole. "Brock, you're ear!" Stream barked, coming to sit next to his brother. "Don't worry, I'll be fine!" he murmurs, grinning weakly. "The pack will be up by now." Mia murmured, her dark brown pelt bristling with worry. "We should get back." Brock grumbled, hiding his ear and padding home at a fast pace. The pups followed, but Flutter stayed behind, looking where Coby and Thorn ran. Goodbye. she whispered, whining, before catching up with her friends.

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