Chapter 3

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“Okay, so you mean the Blue Side is made up of hoverboarders and the Red Side is businessmen?”

“Yeah. This is going to hurt.”

“Okay, so this is like all those weird dystopian novels ouch - ”

“I’m sorry - ”

“No, it’s fine. So it’s like those novels with two sides that are completely separate from each other and have some crazy cold war going on between them and I’m thinking that the businessmen are kind of oppressing you or ow ow ow - ”

“Sorry, Sorry, um…”

“Namjoon, Kim Namjoon, and it's alright, seriously. This is like so cool! So there’s complete separation?”

“Actually no - ”

“Could you draw it into a Venn diagram like with three circles - ”

Yoongi chuckled to himself at the excited expression on Namjoon’s face as he tried to make sense of the world they had landed in by being overly eager and cutting off their host every time he tried to explain things. The man, Seokjin he had introduced himself as, was wearing a bemused smile on his face at Namjoon’s childlike wonder as he continued stitching up Namjoon’s arm again where he had ripped the stitches the moment he had woken up a few minutes ago.

“Joon-ah,” Yoongi interrupted and the blonde turned towards him. “Maybe you should let Jin explain without speaking a mile a minute.”

Namjoon rubbed his nape sheepishly and mumbled a sorry at Jin, who waved it away with a laugh and continued stitching up the graze.

“No, it’s fine. It's nice to see someone this excited to learn about this century. But no, I don't really know what you mean by dystopian novels, and the scenario you painted is kind of terrifying.”

A short laugh.

“I mean, there’s no crazy cold war going on or something, and seriously there is no segregation as such, no rigid separation.”


Yoongi had been unable to stop himself from speaking up. But hadn’t Jin just said there were businessmen and then hoverboarders? How did it work then?

Jin laughed again and it was a very different sound - much like that of a windshield wiper, and Yoongi was beginning to associate it with warmth and safety and pastries. Jin laughed a lot.

“I never thought I would see people who found this era exciting.”

“Of course it is exciting! I mean, you guys have hoverboards! You can fly! How much more exciting do you want it to be?” Namjoon burst out indignantly.

“Your era has time travelling!” Jin shot back, accidentally tugging the needle a little too hard and the younger boy winced. And maybe it was Yoongi’s imagination but for a second there Jin had looked slightly guilty.

“Ah sorry, sorry.”

“It’s fi -”

Time travelling. Well, it was exciting, to be honest. Until things went wrong. Machines malfunctioned. Machines - their time machine -

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