Chapter 15

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Jimin, with Taehyung in tow, had made it his personal mission to give everyone hugs.

After the ordeal that was today, they all deserved hugs. And Jimin knew that he and his boyfriend were an excellent hugger duo. Taehyung was all limbs and warmth and Jimin was fun-sized and soft in all the right places.

Being considerate, the two of them had agreed on starting the hugging spree right after they showered, because they didn’t think the others would appreciate being hugged by two sweaty and gross monsters very much. What they didn’t anticipate, however, was to emerge from the shower all ready for their self-appointed mission to find the living-room-slash-dining-room void of human life except for Jungkook, who had fallen asleep under the dining table. His round bunny eyes blinked open, though, the moment Jimin and Taehyung stormed in (they were very sorry and they didn’t mean to storm, they were just on a mission and wanted to make a grand entrance).

“Where are the others?” Jimin asked, standing on his tippy toes so that he could dry Taehyung’s hair with one of Jin’s many fluffy towels.

Jungkook shrugged and pointed at Jin’s bedroom. The door was closed, and if Jimin listened hard enough, he could hear muffled voices drifting out. Whoever was speaking seemed to be doing so very quietly, and even with Jimin’s self-proclaimed excellent spying skills, he couldn’t make out a single word.

“All four of them are in there?” He complained, pouting.

Jungkook yawned and pushed himself up from the ground, plodding towards the makeshift bed that stood in the living room. “They’re probably talking it out.”

They probably were. And they really should, considering everything that happened in (and out of) the previous race. The group had been mobbed simply because they were on the same team as Jin. And Hoseok was able to frighten grown-ass men to literal tears just by showing them his (frankly not very scary, Jimin thought) face. An explanation was clearly overdue.

“Why aren’t you with them, then? They won’t let you listen? They won’t let us listen?” Jimin narrowed his eyes at Jungkook, who flopped down onto the bed with a grunt.

“Yeah. Said we’re too young. Said we should just get some rest and let them deal with the adult stuff.”

“That’s nonsense, I’m barely one year younger than Namjoon. And we’re all adults here,” Jimin complained. “I hate it when they baby us.”

The other two nodded in agreement, but none of them made a move to disturb the meeting in Jin’s room. As much as they hated being underestimated, they were all brought up to be polite and knew better than to intrude.

Besides, Jimin did overhear Yoongi mention something about the kids being hypnotized. It made sense that they wouldn’t trust them with info in that case—though Jimin didn’t think he was hypnotized, thank you very much. Like, surely he would have remembered, right? There were no blank periods in his memory, no confusing situations where his body wasn’t listening to his orders. At least he was pretty sure there wasn’t.

Okay, he was 75% sure there wasn’t.

Okay, maybe less than that, but he was just tired. It had been a long day and he needed rest. Tomorrow, he’d wake up all refreshed with the capacity to be 100% sure of things.

“So I guess it’s the three of us sleeping together tonight, then,” Jimin concluded, jumping onto the bed and sitting down beside Jungkook, who made a face.

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