Chapter 26

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When Namjoon saw Taehyung lounging on the vulture's back, he was convinced that his ridiculous coffee intake had finally killed off his remaining brain cells as Yoongi had sworn it would, and that he had lost his sanity.

Because it made no sense that his cute, innocent, clingy dongsaeng was sitting on the back of the vulture - bloodthirsty, savage, mutated vulture - arms thrown tightly around its neck, a boxy smile on his face as though he was riding a harmless Shetland Pony called Star or Snow or whatever.

Blinking, he narrowed his eyes, willing his brain to stop playing tricks but no. Taehyung was sitting on its back, not just sitting but controlling it. Like some kind of vulture whisperer. He also seemed to have gotten the green amethyst pendant that Hoseok had said he had spotted around the neck of one of the bigger birds.

The gem rested against his chest as he swerved towards them, the fighting having died down the moment they spotted him because well it was aspectacle. In fact Fox - Doyoung, Namjoon remembered Hoseok saying his real name was - was looking at Taehyung with something close to adoration in his eyes, his grip slack on his club, and Namjoon took the chance to sweep his feet from under him and shove him overboard, grabbing onto the bandanna that was wrapped loosely onto his wrist to make sure his hoverboard couldn't follow him.

It was a dirty trick, yeah, and the other hadn't dropped all that far, managing to catch hold of one of the scaffoldings on time, but Namjoon was desperate and there was no longer any point in fighting honourably.

Not after all that they had done to Jin.

Pushing his hair away from his eyes, Namjoon began to methodically rip the bandanna with his knife, shifting his gaze back to Taehyung who wasstill on the vulture and seemed to be having the time of his life as he gave chase to a lean guy with exactly one and a half eyebrows - presumably one of the twins - as the poor man tried his hardest to shake them off.

Shaking his head, Namjoon looked around for Jimin because if one half of the lovebirds was here then the other had to be there too, and he needed to find him before his anxiety spiraled out of control.

And then he spotted him - on Yoongi's board, standing back-to-back with him as he taunted the other twin and navigated the board while Yoongi shot arrow after arrow, hands never faltering. Namjoon wondered briefly where Jimin and Taehyung's boards went. Perhaps they never had them in the beginning? It seemed likely, for Jungkook didn't seem to have his either, and he was the least likely to have randomly lost his board somewhere out of them all. The boy loved his hoverboard.

A glance at Jungkook showed him engaged in an intense hand-to-hand fight with Minhyeok on one of the broken edges of the Colosseum that was jutting out. Their youngest was holding out well - all the fluidity and grace of a dancer in his movements as he kept bouncing on the balls of his feet, throwing punches and shielding himself.

And finally, Jin - Jin was working on the chains that barred the doorway to the safe at the centre, trying to pick the locks with bobby pins that he had miraculously conjured up from somewhere, and Namjoon let his features relax. All of them barring Hoseok who was inside the Colosseum were accounted for, and everything was going well. They had two gems already with Jungkook working on getting the third from Minhyeok, while Hoseok had gone after the fourth. And the fifth - well, it was only a matter of time until Raziel showed up with it.

They had the upper hand.

Nodding grimly to himself, Namjoon dropped the shredded bandanna and made his way over to Yoongi and Jimin, who were slightly struggling right then due to the narrowness of the board, neatly pulling his best friend onto his own and letting their oldest maknae free to chase the second twin, Yoongi's bandanna wrapped around his forehead.

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