Chapter 4

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Yoongi was 100% sure he had fallen asleep on the floor. But when he woke up, he was on a double bed with frumpy pillows and a velvety blanket securely pulled all the way up to his chin. It was nice, warm. He could sleep forever.

He didn’t expect to be this tired, but he supposed that the previous day’s happenings were finally catching up to him and both his mind and body were feeling the consequences now that he was no longer running on sheer adrenaline. He tried to figure out where his discomfort was coming from. Hmm. There was a bruise on his eye—that was from getting smashed by the gang. His back ached—that was from sleeping on the ground. He had a migraine—that was probably from the stress of landing in a whole new world. He could barely lift his arm—hmm, what was that from? Did he hurt it when fighting yesterday?

Oh, right, that was from swinging the lightsticks. Big Bang concert. Right. That was a thing that happened. Except it all felt like over a hundred years ago now. Wait, it was indeed really over a hundred years ago.

Yoongi chuckled to himself. Time travel was funny business.

He shifted in the bed with a content sigh. Light seeped in through the round windows, which reminded him of old-time cruise ships. There were bars on the windows, like a prison cell, though Yoongi guessed they were less for keeping him inside and more for keeping intruders out.

He was idly studying the small terranium sitting on the bedside table when the door creaked open. Peeking in was a grinning Namjoon. Yoongi was relieved to see that he was all in one piece, and Namjoon seemed to be glad to see Yoongi awake and lucid as well.

“You’re finally up. It’s almost noon now, the others have been up for hours but you looked really tired so we figured we’d let you sleep. How’re you feeling?”

Yoongi rubbed the side of his head. He had a migraine, but that would usually go away with coffee.

Unless the new world didn’t have coffee. Yoongi’s eyes snapped wide open at the horrifying thought, but luckily Namjoon knew him only too well. He pushed through the door into the room, a mug of freshly steamed coffee in his hands. Yoongi took it gratefully and had a sip. Ah, now that was what he called heaven.

“So.” Namjoon sat down at the edge of the bed, making himself comfortable as Yoongi drank. “Earlier Jin took Jungkook to check out our time machine. They managed to bring what was left of it back.”

“Mm.” Yoongi nodded. “So how bad is it? Is the damage fixable?”

Namjoon looked down, eyes trained on his toes, which were wiggling around in his socks. “There’s good news and bad news.”

“Okay. Go on.”

“Good news is that the machine is mostly intact, and Jin says their roof is big enough to house it and we can fix it there.”

“Great. And the bad news?”

“Bad news is that the core engine is completely fried.”

Yoongi choked on his coffee. “Wait, what?”

Core engines were an indispensable component of any time machine. Without a core engine, the machine wouldn’t be going anywhere. They were expensive shit. Yoongi and Namjoon had to balance several jobs for years before they could even afford their first core engine. Which was also their current core engine. Which was fried.

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