Chapter 6

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Five days before the race. They had only five days left to train.

It was amazing how quickly one could get accustomed to a certain lifestyle. In only five days, Jin's place already felt like home to Jimin. Even better, perhaps. Jimin's home had never been a very accommodating one. It was big, it had everything. Jacuzzis, golf courses, grand hallways that stretched on forever. But there was no love in those hallways.

Jin's place had none of those extravagances. There was barely walking room by now, since Hoseok had somehow managed to acquire another bed, an old one on its last legs but a bed nonetheless, and it took up all the space in the living-room-slash-dining-room. There was only one bathroom and the hot water supply was definitely not enough for seven, and for the first time in his very rich and pampered life Jimin would sometimes have to do with cold showers.

But it felt more like home than his family's mansion had ever been.

Jimin had always considered himself adaptable. He had to be, with the countless social situations he was constantly thrown into. And he settled into the routine of his new life quite smoothly. Wake up, help out at Jin's bakery, explore the town a little. Sometimes he would go shopping with Taehyung, sometimes Taehyung went alone and brought back little knick-knacks for him, such as necklaces and matching earrings. After that, they always returned home to practice hoverboarding all the way into the night, until Jin would yell at them to come down to dinner.

Dinners were loud and cheery affairs. Even Hoseok, who was always wary and quiet, had let loose a little, even voluntarily hand-feeding Jungkook once when the youngest was animatedly trying to explain to everyone the concept of VR video games with both hands (but of course he would-it was Jungkook. The iciest heart would melt for Jungkook).

After dinner, it was back to the roof to practicing some more. Then everyone would take turns to shower, and go to bed by midnight. Jin's bed slept two, as did Hoseok's, and the three remaining ones would take the newly-added piece that Hoseok brought back. It was a tight fit, but they made it work.

It felt like the family that Jimin had never had.

On day five, Hoseok came home with bandanas of various flashy colors. The pattern on them, however, were the same, a simple symmetrical shape fanning outwards like a pair of wings.

"It's time you guys get your gang bandanas." He dropped the bag unceremoniously on the dining table. "Grab the one you like, and get your boards."

"I'll prepare the needle," Jin said, disappearing into the kitchen.

"What needle? What does a needle have to do with this?" Yoongi asked, visibly uncomfortable.

"You'll see," Hoseok said vaguely. He eyed Jin as he emerged from the kitchen once again. "Jungkook, want to go first?"

Jungkook bounded over happily, not even bothering to ask what "go first" meant. Jungkook was eager to be the first to try everything, no matter what it was, much like an enthusiastic fan who would preorder albums anyway despite the company not dropping any teasers concerning the content.

"You just need to prick your finger... all we need is two drops of blood. One on the bandana, one on your hoverboard," Jin explained, and Jungkook calmly picked up the needle, like it didn't bother him in the least that he was going to hurt himself till it bled. Jimin winced but looked on, wanting to do it correctly when his own turn came.

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