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[A/N: "I know it's long and boring but I promise that the other chapters are actually nice, this chapter though... it's like a sum-up of y/n's past and a throwback to the present or something smh..., anyway I hope you all enjoy uwu and thanks for deciding to read my cringy book"]

[A/N: "I wrote this book while I was in a really cringy phase of life..., I genuinely apologize for sjdj, I wouldn't recommend this book personally..., but all can read if you all want to? I guess, the spelling and grammar mistakes are so many too...sjdjdj I don't want to have a mental breakdown while trying to redo this whole book though sjxndn I am sorry..., I promise that my other books are good though..and once again.., I am genuinely sorry that this cringy book exists;-;;]

Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows
There are ups and downs
Happiness and sadness
Just like love
The person who can make me the saddest
Is also the person who can make me the happiest
The moment I realized that I had found someone like that
There's no doubt that I was in love
They say cowards run away from true love
Well in my opinion
Those who choose to stay with their love over running away
And those who chose to run away rather than being with their love
Both are right in their own shoes
It's like opinions
Nothing is fully right
Nothing is fully wrong
It's just that, we call it right when the majority of people say that it's right
And we call it wrong when least majority of people go with it
It's like people
People weren't born bad
Everyone was born pure and innocent
People aren't bad
But what makes them bad is their way of thinking
Because a wrong mentality drags people towards wrong things
But nothing is fully right or wrong either
So why don't people think a bit more broadly before judging others?
It's because they don't want to support the "wrong" people and get judged
In short, it's the fear of being judged lol
Running away from what I love and what feels right
Because the ones who raised me don't like me going after it
Is in a way right
But only if I love dying on the insides every single day
They say what feels right is right
And what feels wrong is wrong
So why shouldn't I chase after what I love? 
Oh right the ones who raised me are going to hate me for that
And in the end, I might start hating myself for chasing after something I love
Even when I knew it, that the ones who raised me are going to hate me for it
Honestly, what's worse?
Either way, I am going to suffer
So my point is if I disappeared all of a sudden and stopped living
Will everything be back to normal?
Will everyone is happy without me or they will be sad without me?
Will they feel like an important part of their lives is missing and never be able to fill in the empty spaces in their hearts or move on like I never existed?
Honestly, should I just kill myself or live for the sake of my dad? Because I know that my stepmother just wants to take over my dad's property and runaway
And I have been forced to get married to some jerk who is 3 years older than me *laughs bitterly*
From our first meeting, I guess he does like me but the problem is me
I am afraid to fall in love
I still can't get over the fact that my first true love...Kim Taehyung didn't love me back..the fact that he chose my rude ass cousin Lee Hana over me
That girl was such a jealous bitch
She always compared me to ugly I was compared to her and all
And Taehyungie you really didn't see what a spoiled brat she was huh?
You never rejected never replied to my confession and you didn't even have the freaking guts to tell me that you were dating her?
You always treated me so well..since childhood my mom knew that I was your childhood crush but she was wrong I guess and me being me...I felt the same way towards you...
I mean how could I resist your cuteness but *sighh* you left me..and went abroad to finish your studies and here I was..I rejected every single guy who asked me out and waited for you
And you finally came..but you became my substitute teacher and you started treating me I was your special student...
I had never tried so hard for good grades but you changed me...I wanted to make you proud..make myself worthy of being with you...
But the problem was...I wasn't sure that you had a girlfriend or not and we had a five-year difference between us...
I was 17 while you were 22..more like I was gonna turn 17 that year so yeah I wasn't legal for you...
And that's when my world turned upside beloved mother passed away...I was broken into so many pieces and there were you holding me tight in your arms...
Letting me wet your shirt with my came with me to the funeral...
You were with me on the day of her were there for me all the time but I misinterpreted your love for only looked at me like I was your younger sister...
Because you knew that after my brother left..which was a while after you left to study abroad...
You knew that I needed some brotherly love..and you didn't have a sister so you saw me as your own sister...
You were disappointed but not surprised when my brother didn't show up at my mother's funeral...
And I was living in a lie that you loved me the way I loved you...
Then came at the right time according to me...I was finally 18 and you were gonna turn 23 that year
My last school year ended and I was so damn happy when I had confessed to you but you just gave me a hug and left?
Why didn't you give me an answer KIM TAEHYUNG?
and then I found out that you were dating my bitch cousin
I hate you...I hate you so feign much and this is why I can't fall in love
Sure I had a few flings here and there in the past two years but none of them were better than you
Even though you hurt me a lot..we lost contact and everything
But I still loved the part of you that I cherished and wanted you to be mine
But I knew that would never happen..and I built a wall around myself to stay far away from guys.. because I was shallow when it came to deep meaningful relationships and I tend to hurt people so..I chose the "I will stay single forever" path
But I was so wrong
My father had got married to another woman 6 months ago
I had my suspicions about Yejin Omma but I shrugged it off
I wish I hadn't though because now...I am stuck in an arranged marriage with some "Jeon Jungkook" who annoys the fuck out of me
Like we just met and he was like "I am so glad that you are going to be my wife, I will treat you like a princess" that bunny smile he gave me was cute though
Snap out of it y/n that guy is just annoying
And I tried my best to smile but I know that Appa noticed how fake my smile was because he knows that my disappearing dimples appear when I smile
They aren't really noticeable but I don't know how Appa sees them honestly...
And ahh another thing I am gonna dread today he called me into his room to "discuss" Important business after the Jeons left
'This is gonna be a looong day' my conscious told me...


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