Chapter 23

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"But I still want you"


'why have I never visited any of y/n's exhibition's before, her paintings are just jinja daebak!'.

"The exhibition will be now closing in 4 minutes, we request you all to clear the premises" they announced through the speakers.

I was making my way towards the exit but then I hid behind a wall as I saw how creepily Taehyung was looking at y/n.

"He is so annoying I swear" I muttered to myself as I texted Namjoon hastily.

To Namjoon: "Taehyung is here at y/n's exhibition and I smell trouble! please come to xxxx-xxxxxx with the rest of bangtan asap!"



The exhibition was closing in 3 minutes so I quickly packed my stuff and walked my way out but suddenly i was pinned to a wall outside the building.

I slowly turn my head to see Taehyung looking at me intensely, I gulped as I looked up and tried not to show any fear "what do you want?" I almost spat at his face.

I felt disgusted when he caressed my lips with his thumb finger and said "I want you".

I used every single bit of strength in my body as I pushed him away "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! YOU NASTY BASTARD!!".

But he pinned me again and I saw Hana behind me moving her knee forward, pointing at her shin and then at Taehyung, I went blank for a second as she mouthed "kick".

'she is telling me to kick his little buddy?' without wasting any time, I kicked his little friend down there. [A/N: "Not so little eh? 😏"]

He fell to the ground, groaning in pain and then Hana came running towards me.

She held my hand as we ran towards my car "I told bangtan" she said panting and I saw all of Jungkook's friends, except him going towards the building but what I was confused of why Hana helped me.

"Why did you help me?" I asked her and she gave me a smile and said "it's time that I finally did something right" I gave her confused smile but I brushed it off.

"Let's go, I will give you a ride back home" I said and she nodded reluctantly "that would be great" she said.
[A/N: " My mind, it amazes me ;-;; "]



Namjoon and the rest of them sighed out of frustration as they helped Taehyung get in the car and drove away.

"I didn't need help you know" Taehyung said in a sassy tone, still palming his throbbing member. [A/N: "throbbing member eh? 😏 Ajdjshdjd I need to stop lmao"]

"Yeah yeah y/n so didn't kick your little friend and you so aren't in pain" Namjoon said in a bored tone.

Taehyung heaved a sigh "Seriously Taehyung, stop going after her already" said Hoseok.

"Yeah she is engaged" Hoseok's boyfriend Yoongi added.

"I still love her hyung" Taehyung whined, Jimin rolled his eyes "y/n and Jungkook love eachother and are getting married tomorrow" he said.

"So?" Taehyung replied in a bored tone, Jimin ruffled his hair in frustration and said "she is my little sister so, stay away from her".

"But I love her" Taehyung said puffing his cheeks and that's when Jimin lost it "I SAID FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM HER!" He looked towards Jin "HYUNG STOP THE DAMN CAR! I CAN'T STAY WITH THIS MENTAL CASE ANYMORE!!".

Everyone sighed in frustration as Jimin glared so hard that his eyes could pop out literally.

Jin suddenly stopped the car, Jimin was about to get off but he came to a halt as Jin said "Taehyung! Get out!!".

Taehyung gave him a are-you-serious look and Jin have him a do-you-think-that-i-am-fucking-kidding look.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and got off the car but still stared at Jin through the car window and was like glued to the ground, Jimin still glaring into god knows where.

Sope giving eachother do-you-think-that-we-lost-him-for-good? look, Namjoon patting Jin's worldwide pretty shoulders to give him assurance that he isn't doing anything wrong and Jin nodded at him, implying 'don't worry I am fine'.

"Till you can't get yourself together and accept the damn fact that y/n can't be yours, don't come even near us or try to contact us either! and stay the fuck away from her and Jungkook!" Jin said, as he drove away leaving a glaring Taehyung.



"WHAT DOES HE THINK HE IS HUH!? I LOVE HER AND I WON'T LEAVE HER!" I yelled into nowhere, as I kept walking around and hitting small little rocks with my feet.

and from the distance I saw a man covering a girl's mouth with a handkerchief and taking her away, looking around if anyone saw it, I wanted to go save her but...

That's when my brain clicked 'how about  I do the same thing?' i smirked at myself.

"I will never let you win Jungkook!" I threw a small rock aiming at the sky, smirking in victory.

The rock fell onto my head, I caressed the spot with my hand and glared at the sky "JINJA! AISHH!! YOU CAN'T LET ME FEEL GLORIOUS FOR A SECOND CAN YOU!?".[A/N: "I am sorry but I had to 😂😂"]

To Be Continued....

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