Chapter 20

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"curiosity killed the cat?"


My eyes shot open as I heard a female's voice going like "Awwn" I rubbed my eyes and my vision finally became normal as I was able to see Jimin, Jungkook's parents, and my Appa in Infront of our bed 'why was Jungkook's mom going all awwn?'.

I felt the grip around my waist going tighter and that's when I realized as I blushed beet red and ' why won't they stop laughing'.

I thought about ways to make this feel less awkward but Jimin you little hoe "as much as I love you both being all cute, you should wake your fiancé up" I nodded as I shook Jungkook's body and said "Jungkook-ah! wake up!!" but he wouldn't budge.

I sighed and continued shaking his body, only to have his arms around me to get even more tightened, I squeaked, and then I heard a male's voice from the other side of the room "pinch his nipples" I frowned as I looked at the direction to see Jin.

'what the actual heck?!' but since Jungkook wouldn't budge, I ended up pinching his nipples as he shot his eyes open and he gave me the 'what-the-actual-heck' look, I smiled sheepishly and pointed at his parents and everyone else in the room.

"We are going bridal shopping," his Eomma said, he nodded his head with a smile and said, "can you all wait in the living room, till y/n and I get ready?".

They all started leaving but Jimin turned around and said "don't start something in the shower" I blushed as I yelled "JIMIN! SHUTUP!!" I heard all of them chuckle as they left.

And Jungkook you little brat "y/n let's shower together to save water" I smacked his arm and he just chuckled as I went to take a shower.

-Fast forward~
I and Jungkook got ready, I was wearing a black hoodie with dark wash blue jeans and brown timberlands and Jungkook was wearing a black over-sized t-shirt, black pants, and red timberlands 'why red timberlands?' [A/N: "see what I did there? 😏"]

Then we all had breakfast together in our dining room, Jungkook's Eomma made so many dishes and it was so delicious.

"I and y/n will go together," Jungkook said but his mom "Aniyo! You are going with her Appa, your soul brothers and your Appa" and the cute whines coming from Jungkook 'ah so cute' "Eomma why!?, I want to see my future wife in her wedding dress" and his mom smacked his back as he went like "ah Eomma it pains!" And his mom went like "you will jinx it so we are going separately and that final", with one more pout he finally agreed and went on our separate ways.

I went there with Jungkook's Eomma, in her car and Jungkook went in a huge van haha 'i am still sad that Taehyung didn't come with them for Jungkook's special day though' I was taken back from my thoughts as the impact from Jungkook's mom hitting on the brakes.

I gave her a smile as I got off the car and headed inside with her "yeong-shim-ah, can you please help my would be daughter in law pick a dress for her wedding?" His Eomma said.

The girl that I am assuming to be yeong-shim nodded her head as I went around the boutique with her to pick dresses.

We took around ten dresses as I was then pushed into the changing room and I kept coming out of there putting on dress after dress and Jungkook's Eomma keeps giving me skeptical compliments like "no it's too big on you", "you look like a cupcake in that", "it's cute but we can get something better", "no it shows too much skin", "it does suit you but something is off".

'ugh! this is the 25th dress' there isn't even a mirror in the dressing room, I step outside and I am awed by the sight as I look at myself in the long mirror 'omo who is this beautiful person? It isn't me for sure' it was a wedding dress with lace sleeves, not that puffy but the right size of puffiness and floor length dress elegant dress, which gave me princess feels.

I finally turn around and look to see Jungkook's Eomma mesmerized too [A/N: "maybe she is in love with y/n too now 😂, so guys, Jungkook × y/n or Jungkook's Eomma × y/n? 😂😂]
"We are taking this one" she said but a voice startles both of us.

We both turn around to see Jungkook? And a bunch of bags fell from his hands 'aren't weddings jinxed, if the husband sees his wife in her wedding dress before the wedding? I hope nothing bad happens'

[A/N: "sometimes life doesn't go around the way we want it to 🙃" ]


Sorry about the late update, I am just going through a bit of stuff at the moment oof

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