Chapter 2

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-Fast forward to Saturday~

Finally, today is the day 'YAAY!' I mentally squealed to myself
I am gonna take my fiancé on our first date, I know I sound like a Fanboy but I can't help it, she is just so beautiful
Her thick, long eyelashes
Starry doe dark brown eyes
Dark brown hair
Her plump, kissable lips
Bunny teeth just like me
Her almost invisible dimples
What caught my attention the most was that her eyebrows are real and not that thick but not that thin either
Like no offense to girls today but without makeup eyebrows of girls are invisible?
Like I saw my classmates in school and they were the same case I guess
And call me a perv but she has a nice body too
'Jeon Jungkook snap out of it' my conscious told me.

I quickly checked the time and it was 9 am so I went to shower letting the hot water make me ready for what I was going to put myself through today and after I was done with showering I got ready quickly putting on my clothes which consisted of a white t-shirt, a jeans jacket and light blue jeans and I literally ran downstairs to be hit by my mother on my back "Yah! How many times did I tell you to not run down the stairs and here is your breakfast" she gave me a plate and I smiled sheepishly at her and started munching on the food rather fast and she asked me "why are you eating like you haven't eaten for years? Aigoo my son is so desperate to meet his fiancé" she smiled at me as I nodded, you might be thinking that I am still a schoolboy but hell no I am 25 years old but being the youngest in the family often ends up like this, literally being a mama's boy and all.

A few minutes later, I finished my food and I was about to head outside but I didn't forget to give my Omma a hug and a kiss on the cheek as I said "I will be back around dinner time" cliché you might say but hey this is my daily routine, I quickly put on my white canvas shoes and headed towards my car.

-Fast forward~

I was now in Infront of her house in my Audi R8, pretty car right? I took a deep breath as I entered through the gates it felt an eternity to be able to park my car and head inside but what I saw next made my day.

I chuckled at the sight of y/n in her nest-like hair and her little bit swollen face while munching on her breakfast and damn it she looks the same as yesterday excluding the hair?, no wonder I thought she didn't wear any makeup yesterday.

"Jungkook-ah why don't you sit down till she is done," her father said while smiling warmly at me and I nodded and sat down on a chair next to the dining table, staring at y/n like a lovesick guy.

She finally faced towards my direction and I saw her brushing her hair in frustration and then her eyes went wide as the realization hit her and she ran up the stairs with a blink of an eye, to her room I am guessing and I just chuckled at her actions as I heard her father do the same as well.

'cute' I thought

Her father then cleared his throat as he spoke "She tends to forget about her surroundings while she is eating" and I nodded understandingly 'no wonder how much she was engrossed in eating'.

I was jolted back from my thoughts when I heard her father say "I haven't told her about your date with her yet, I can be so forgetful sometimes, sorry Jungkook-ah" I shook my head almost instantly and said "it's okay Mr.Park I will go tell her myself" he smiled at me and I excused myself and started walking up the stairs.

Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Who is it?" asked y/n from the other side of her room so I replied "y/n- ahh your Appa may have forgotten to tell you yesterday but I am here to take you on a date" and I waited and waited for a few minutes but heard no reply so I cleared my throat and spoke again "so are you coming?" And then I heard a soft sigh before I heard her speaking again "y-eah I will be downstairs in 20 minutes" I replied again with a simple "okay" as I went downstairs with a huge smile plastered on my face 'i can't wait for our date'.


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