Chapter: 1 Provisional Beginnings.

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"Come on Elizabeth, don't be an asshole!" Liliana threw her hands in the air while I continued to brush my hair into a simple business bun. The mirror reflected a touch of light make up, bare eyes, light pink lips along with cheeks. Frowning, I turned to see Liliana's hands fisted with a handful of her ash brown locks, tinted with blonde at the ends. Contrary to her laid back attire, I had my virgin dark brown waved hair up, preparing for an interview I refused to go to in the first place. My cousin was in disbelief that I was truly committed to going after my fuss on how it wasn't my fault she was hung over. She was more than likely in a panic frenzy seeing I was still in my pajamas and it was already 8 a.m. She barged in demanding to know why I hadn't left to her original interview. The switch of interviewee to me was absurd, but after she explained that I was the only one she could truly trust with this, I agreed. Her careless entry set a small bomb off in my serene state, holding my breath to prevent an outburst of insult to injury.

"I'll be leaving in a little, just let me finish getting ready." She walked away, much to my relief. I applied a light amount of mascara, flicking the black tube across my lashes. Walking toward my room, I'm very happy to see my pre planned clothing was still in the same position as it was last night. My beige silk top with a black pencil skirt along with matching black pumps to top off the whole outfit. I knew these heels were going to kill me by the end of the day, but pain was beauty none the less. This facade was always appropriate when I was on MY business; not my cousins.

The hungover Liliana came out of her room, her eyes bloodshot from being awake so early this morning with little sleep last night. The disappointment i had in my cousin was equivalent to a murder. So careless in a possible job opportunity, i shook my head internally, avoiding another conflict, this mornings was enough.

"I'll be back soon." I mumbled beneath my breath. I wasn't prepared to talk to my cousin, in fear a hidden frustration would burst from me.

Walking from the steps I just thought back to my words. 'Soon', more like a total of 8 hours at the least. The drive time was more than three hours. Times like these I should have considered transferring to UCLA instead of Cal-Poly. Sighing outward I approach my little Nissan Altima, starting up the engine and going on a trip that seemed to take ages.


I had been in the waiting room for a short amount of time after arriving at a pure glass skyscraper, Black Enterprises; Being offered coffee or water from time to time, each time declining until finally being called into the office of executive Fredrick Travis. I knew keeping my cool was key into slamming an interview, and Liliana wanted this job, even though her actions didn't show the commitment in her words, I wanted to try my best to nail this interview for Liliana, no matter the costs.

Entering I'm met with a mid 30's fellow, short brown hair, with tired and dulled brown eyes wearing a blue linen shirt and yellow tie, stacking papers accordingly. Introductions and exchanges in questions were made along with corny jokes from time to time, loosening the feeling of tension revealing a softer side of Mr. Travis. He knew before hand that I was to come instead of Liliana, her excuse to him was a stomach ache, but i knew the true story. Concluding our interview, he seemed very satisfied, as well as i did.

"It was nice meeting you, I'll be sure to contact Mrs. Rodgers; your interview was impeccable." A smile met his light brown eyes. He stood leading me toward the door. My pumps made the clacking noise signifying my leave for the day. Pressing the call button I only waited five seconds outside the platinum doors. My reflection showed the same girl this morning, not a hair out of place thankfully. The doors separated and I stepped into an empty elevator shaft. Before the doors closed I saw the doors open wide again. I looked up to have my jaw dropped at the sight.

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